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Jaxton felt his life cross before his eyes. His heart pounded with piercing pumps. He almost couldn't breathe. So he stared; with tears running down his eyes wanting to reach out and feel his living father, he stood defeated yet with a newfound warmth, as well.

Even after all the years, Jaxton could still tell his signature creases by his eyes meant he too was smiling.

Jaxley was alive. He had never been beheaded after all.

Jaxton was alive. Even with him in chains before him, at least he knew his son was still breathing.

Suddenly, a hollowed cheek, empty brown eyed man in a simple gray suit came in.

The man who "beheaded" Jaxley.

He smiled with a quick shoulder pop of enthusiasm. "Nice to see some father-son bonding happening here."

No one laughed but him.

President Hakwey. His deep set eyes showed incurable anger. He scowled down at Jaxton.

"I will say, child, you sure were adamant on her escape. Your father was proud." President Hakwey pulled out a device that showed footage of Jaxley watching the events of the stampede.

Jaxton gritted his teeth at the familiar sight of Ezeriah in pain.

"Your father was whipped each time you did this to us," President Hakwey's eyes glittered maliciously.  "See, that girl is ours. Property of our government. The Seal on her arm is proof."

Jaxton glared. While the things he read were odd, he didn't doubt his father for a second. Ezeriah belonged to the multiverse. Or rather the multiverse belonged to her. Earth was her beating heart, her devising womb, Earth was a branch of her. She could swallow him up into the ground if the idea was presented to her. 

Oh, Ezeriah. I'm so sorry. His heart ached. I will fulfill your destiny.

"And we need her back." The man examined his manicured nails. "So, tell us where she is, and you're free to go."

With a flicker of the man's wrist, the metal over Jaxton's mouth disappeared to a simple sticker on his left cheek.

"You killed my mother. And I thought you killed my father. Why is he here? Why are you doing-" Jaxton was cut off when a jolt shocked his father with of red static making him cry out.

"So, anyway, now you will not be freed. That outburst wasn't nice. But we need her." President Hakwey smiled with an elegantly hold to his fingers and angle of his wrist.

Jaxton glared. "I don't know where they went. I was knocked out by your guys before I could even see the direction or ask."

The man inhaled deeply. "Yes, yes. See I know that's not true! In all the footage we have of you and her, you two are always intimate. What woman wouldn't tell her beloved where she is going before she goes?"

"She's two thousand years old. I'm sure things were different back then." With annoyance, Jaxton responded stoically.

The man stared down at Jaxton. "It's been many, many years since we've last seen each other in person. But oddly, you look very familiar."

Jaxton froze up. If they could control Ezeriah memories they also could see them.


"I am my father's son." Jaxton held his chin high.

Despite the fact that his father had his genes aligned to look exactly like an ancestor so Ezeriah would be less guarded and even develop feelings more rapidly, he was still his father's first born.

"Yes. Yes, you are." The man studied Jaxton. "You impeccably have the same speaking pattern like your father when the girl is spoken about. Shoulders back. Pressed lips. What's the secret?"

You are her consort. You come from a line of supreme beings that desired her creation for the greater good and loved her so. And one day, she'll join us- you and I- and the Antiona's men alike, in the sky for eternal love. Jaxley spoke into Jaxton's mind.

Jaxton tried to pull back the surprise and the joy of hearing his voice. "There is no surprise. I love her. I mean, look at her. Why do you want her? You've looked at her, too? When I first met her, she was naked. Doesn't get any better than that."

The man pulled away with a scowl. "She is not an objection of desire. She is a war machine. Don't forget that."

Jaxton looked at his father as the man turned to a large black screen. His father nodded letting Jaxton sigh in relief.

The image of the dead bodies of Lavern and Emilia came on the screen.

Jaxton flinched.

"What a shame. What is it? Ezeriah can bring back life? I think Bernard said so," President Hakwey said slowly, as if reeling in yarn. "Were their lives meaningless?"

Jaxton clenched his jaw.

Don't say anything. Jaxley gently spoke into Jaxton's mind.

"We burned their bodies." President Hakwey proudly announced. "Oh, their poor little kiddies. They didn't have to die either. No one did."

The image changed to Lavern's cave with bodies piled up including their children's.

Jaxton looked away.

"You Antiona's boys sure have a habit of risking it all for this girl. Your own wife had to die for her," President Hakwey turned towards Jaxley before turning back to Jaxton. "What it is? Every head Antiona in charge of her revival has always gone to such odd extremes for her. Our weapon. Is she that much of a seductress. That darling cinnamon exquisition. Every thing I have found of her from you and your family has consisted with this constant need for her to be set free."

"I've never wanted her free. I've had so many crazies, I wish she was normal." Jaxton forced a chuckle.

The man forced a smile, too. "Are your friends doing well?"

Jaxton stared.

"Quite a large group to have arrived and dissipate. Where did they go?" The man inquired.

"Wouldn't know. Bernard's traitorous act caused
last minute plans." Jaxton reflected empty eyes back to the man who ruled his country.

"Ah," The man chuckled. "Isn't that such a shame? That the lives close to each and everyone of you will be wiped out until I get The Telia back in her case."

Not if we kill you first. Jaxley and Jaxton mindsended in sync.

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