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"They'll be looking for us." Ziof said as he stared at the dark waves rolling up. "Won't be much we can do in daylight and daylight is coming."

Yelun looked at the money and food they had brought. It was his idea years ago, to keep stashes in case of emergencies like this. Except, he imagined drug ordeals not running away with a thousand year old girl.

"We'll be okay." He looked at to Ziof.

Ziof nodded. "For right now. If I were you, I'd rest. I imagine what we just did will only be the beginning."

They all nodded, in exhaustion. Sluggishly, they all hide inside the large cavernous rocks along the coast of the ocean and the tunnel. As soon as Li hit the ground, he was asleep. Holding onto Jaxton's hand, Deyja was there too shortly, as well. Yelun brought the duffle bags in, and set out filter water bottles for everyone before making way for rest as well.

Ezeriah stood still standing at the bank of the sand. The wind blew through her hair bringing the ocean salt along with it. As a child, the ocean always calmed her, but now the roaring waves only seemed to incite her fear even more. And it was all her fault.

"Can't sleep either?" Ziof came up beside her.

She chuckled. "No."

"You're thinking too much, then." Ziof plopped down in the sand.

Ezeriah sat down next to him. "I can't exactly help it."

"I understand." He nodded. "I get it."

"No," She shook her head, clenching her jaw. "I don't think you do. All of this... it's because of me."

"I believe everything happens for a reason." Ziof smiled down at her, sadness and wisdom wisked into his dark jewels.

"No. Not this." Ezeriah spoke louder with self hatred.

Jaxton perked up, hearing voices. He heard the pain in Ezeriah's voice refraining him from his slumber.

"Don't worry, we'll get that chip or whatever off or out of you. Whatever we have to do." Ziof nudged her shoulder with his.

"See, but I don't want you too." She spoke softly.

Jaxton and Ziof both frowned.

"They saved me getting me out of the Bay. They tried to figure out what my tattoo meant. You and Yelun tried to help with that... now we're on the run." Her voice broke. She was thankful for the still dark sky, and freely let tears roll down her cheeks. "And its all my fault."

In the reflection of the stars, he saw glisten on her cheek and felt his heart clench, a paternally affection filling him. "Yelun and I wouldn't have came if we didn't want to help. We could've laid low until they went on to something else. They could have just left you in the Bay. But they wanted to help. We all helped willingly. It's was and is the right thing."

She sniffled and nodded in response.

" We'll figure something out. Sometimes the legal side isn't always the right side. If I have to be a felon to save a girl and the rest like her, I'm okay with that." He smiled. "I'm not saying it'll be easy."

They both laughed softly.

"Thank you." She turned to him. "I still can't help but feel like I'm some nuisance."

"Well, don't. Everything happens for a reason." He nodded to himself looking at the ocean waves before him. "Everything happens for a reason."

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