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"There's no service out here. We're really in the middle of nowhere." Li huffed.

Yelun leaned against a large rock, taller than his 6'2. "It's actually a good thing. I mean, if we can't get service, they probably can't as well."

"I wouldn't be so sure." Ziof crossed his arms deep in thought. "Jaxton?"

"The military can. The government... depends on the department." He shrugged, eyeing Ziof.

Ziof nodded.

"I've had into their servers, I've seen the models and blue printers. They have extremely high technology for hell- finding a missing ring buried. Even on a submarine, 100's of feet below, they could be able to detect us." Yelun said. "A cold hard aggregate like caves may be our only bet."

"Staying close to rocks, mountains anything with density, that something like electricity can't penetrate, are probably the only way they won't find us." Jaxton agreed.

"We still have energy fields, they may see the heat temperature against the rocks. Right?" Li frowned.

"Good thing we all can run fast. Thank the Academy for that," Deyja muttered.

Up until age 25, each individual was put into training in case of any military excursion, or war.

Ziof snorted. "I have guns. We always keep hidden stashes in the apartment in case we gotta take off, for anything at any time, so we got money, food, guns, ammo, filtered bottles for water. So yeah, sorry about the bags being heavy. How we managed to run with them last night, I'll never know. But one we get past the strict areas of the Academy, we can settle somewhere. And go from there."

"We build up a militia, and start a revolt. We go back and save the other um, experiments." Jaxton said unsure of what to properly call the people frozen.

Ziof nodded. "I agree, in time though. Ezeriah's safety first. We've got to get her off the radar. Take them by surprise."

"First let's get the hell out of the Wilden. We have the highest military present. The most supportive of the government. It's just rock and mountains past this." Deyja interjected the boy's messiah revolution. "And snow."

"Five months from now." Yelun shrugged, correcting her. "She's right, though. Are top priority should be seeing if Ezeriah can be in sunlight or not."

They all glanced up at Ezeriah scrapping rocks across the ground of the cave, on her stomach, ankles cross in the air, humming to herself. They looked at each other with the same look. Li snorted and looked away, trying not to laugh. Really, he did feel bad, like the others. She had spent all morning in the cave by herself, but of all people, Ezeriah was the one the calmest. 

"The sooner the better." Li muttered.

"She was up all night, give her a break." Jaxton rolled his eyes.

Everyone turns and looked at him, frowning.

"She came in late and it woke me." Jaxton shrugged, not meeting Deyja's eyes.

"Ezeriah!" Li shouted.

Her head shot up. She dusted the chalky dirt off of her. "Yeah?"

"Come down here." Li told her.

Ezeriah immediately took off out of the cold cave. The salty wind blew on her face, and the warm sun caressed her skin.

"Well, she's not levitating." Yelun said in almost disappointment.

"Look at the sun." Deyja crossed her arms, lips pursed in annoyance. Ezeriah wasn't a play toy, she was their friend. She deserved to be treated as such.

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