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Stepping out of the bunker was terrifying. And yet oddly, it was quiet. The walls and ceiling was entirely black. The floors were a full gray and Ezeriah couldn't wait to feel the natural earth beneath her feet again.

She kept her gun raised as they ran down the halls. She kept glancing at Yelun who was controlling the security and locks. One mess up on his part and the Academy would know everything. She took a deep breath; she trusted Yelun with her life.

She looked back forward, looking back at Ziof who was monitoring anyone walking by. He slowly turned down the hall and pointed at what looked like an elevator.

"That's the chamber moat. It'll take us anywhere we need to go. We get on, and Yelun will put on the code to take us to Jaxley's old office. Li will turn off all the emergency alarms with his equipment and you Ezeriah, you'll turn the room black. The scientists on our side will help take everyone into hostage and lock them in the office, and then Ezeriah will awaken everyone." Ziof looked each of them individually in the eyes. "Aiken stay close to Li and Yelun. Deyja and I will block them."

Ziof listened for any steps then motioned to the two white doors. With a ding, they slid open and they all got on.

"The chamber moats security is taken out, as well." Yelun murmured. "We're invisible."

Ziof took a deep breath. This is for you dad. This is for you.

"Thank you," Ziof held his gun tightly.

Ezeriah looked down at the weapon Jaxton gave her. Her heart sped up. An uneasiness crept into her stomach. She had to do this. And succeed.

The doors opened and there Klei and Josef were waiting for them.

"Come on," Klei waved at them. They stood in a large windowed room over looking a whole room of scientists diligently working on formulas and looking at data on their screens floating in front of them.

"Yelun, Li," Ziof said under his breath. He could his own breath and roaring blood in his ears.

"Already done," Yelun responded.

"Me too," Li breathlessly spoke looking at all the lives before them that were seconds away from perishing.

Just past the four rows of scientists at their desk was another door. A door that was locked with key access only. Ziof smirked knowing they were minutes away from Ezeriah awakening them.

"Night vision," Ziof put on eyewear. He mindsended to all the scientists on their side as well.

They all copied.

A scientist glanced back and put eye ware over his eyes, as well. Charlé. 45 other scientists did the same. The scientists that joined them on this fight. And they all were about to see this through.

"My turn," Ezeriah swallowed.

She took a few breath and thought of total darkness. A black glow bestrewed around Ezeriah's limbs. She could feel her hair lifting and the glow engulfed her. She closed her eyes and thought of total darkness. Darkness like she knew when she was put under.

She opened her eyes to screams. All of the technology and lights were completely out. The black walled room was completely pitch black.

"Go, go, go!" Ziof yelled. Klei and Josef held the door open for them and guarded their backsides.

"Hands in the air! Now! Hands up!" Ziof roared.

"No mindsending outside of this room as of now," Li tuned a device making everyone flinch

"Hands up!" Charlé tore off his face shield and surgical gown and shouted with a gun raised.

The 45 scientists supporting them raised guns at the Academy's scientists.  They all gathered together with their hands raised. Ezeriah was happy protective equipment covered their faces as she knew the fear in their expression would cause her to falter.

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