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This reads better in Verdana and Courier. But was written in Source Code Pro front. It's mainly a Yelun perspective chapter and felt this font helped me channel that. Just a suggestion 😊

Yelun sat on a large slab of rock, analyzing the data results from Ezeriah's test he had taken while Ziof, Li and Jaxton continued to pester Ezeriah to evoke her powers. Taunting her in ways that could get them possibly injured, or killed, the boys poked and prodded, and almost made her lose her balance and fall into a warm salt lake. Although, Yelun found that rather appealing. He studied her body movements, watched on the machine he built- her vitals- all which were in the range of normality for her. Of course, her vitals, ran considerable higher. It did take some time to get used to her heart rate being five times the average. So far it was just a casual, easy warm up.

It had been a week and a half since Lavern left to gather other like him who fled to the Backlands. The crew decided not to waste any time. They trained, experimented, and helped Ezeriah strengthen her powers. After digging through old paperwork from her scientist days, Emilia and Yelun began pushing Ezeriah and breaking barriers. Each day a new talent seemed to be discovered. Today, though, the gang had been going at it all morning and still not even a mild earthquake or tornado. Which, yes, did in fact occur.

"Try throwing a knife at her," Li shouted to Emilia who was still high up on the mountain, monitoring the forest and electromagnetic and gravitational fields. Li paused very much out of breath from running circles around Ezeriah.

"No." Jaxton firmly commanded, placing himself in front of Ezeriah.

"Too late," Li said awkwardly, scratching his head.

The telltale sound of the whistling knife hurtled in the air straight towards Ezeriah's head. Jaxton and Ziof both took off running, but in swiftness unseeable to the natural human eye, Ezeriah caught the knife. In confusion, she turned to the direction it came from, while everyone- even Yelun, were frozen in awe.

"What was that for?" Ezeriah yelled up to Emilia.

Emilia shrugged. "Sorry!"

Ezeriah handed Jaxton the knife, and from what Yelun could tell (and social circumstances were difficult for him, due to his mild autism) she was not please. "Don't do that again, Jax."

He took the knife, but remained still as he studied his girlfriend. "How did you catch it that fast? You didn't even see where it was coming from, or from who."

Ezeriah frowned. "I don't know. Good instinct, I guess."

Yelun straightened his back, knowing very well that was not just some beginners luck.

Maybe they were about to discover something, Yelun hoped. He really was getting mentally exhausted from working with the new tech he had built from scraps. Which for some reason was being fussy today.

"Try it again. Something similar." Yelun said loudly so it echoed and Emilia would hear. Shouting wasn't his thing.

Jaxton scoffed. "No way!"

Deyja pulled a knife from her pocket and hurled it at Ezeriah's heart. With the same swiftness as before, Ezeriah spun around in time to grab the hilt of the knife.

"Really? Again?" Ezeriah asked, slightly out of breath.

They all silently watched as a bright red glow began to emerge around her.

"Again," Yelun mouthed to Ziof, behind Ezeriah.

Ziof unhitched a large military grade sword with biochemical weaponry on the blade and threw it at Ezeriah's throat. And again, in masters time, she spun around, caught it, and then stabbed it in the ground.

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