the first woman

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The Earth had long existed in the dark before the deep emergence of boiling fire began. After much time, the oceans, the mountains, the forests all began to take form. And through their birth, gracefully diving out of the deep earth's crust, straight from volcanic lava, was the first woman.

The black woman.

She was beautiful.

Divine femininity soaking through her flesh, with her beautiful peaks and curves like hills and mountains, and her voluminous hair reaching the sky like trees, she began to walk over the ground.

Mother Nature.

From the depths, climbing to the crevices of the cracks of the earth, she rose to her feet with the sun shinning upon her skin. She was light given to the earth.

Her blood was fiercer than the electrical currents from the earth's core and her kindness was softer than any flower.

She dazzled.

Her eyes like the sparking sands, the terrain and glittering lakes.

She was the embodiment of Earth.

The first woman.


"Doesn't immortality get boring?" She asked her father.  "She had everything she wanted! Her dream guy, all the riches. What did she do with all of that?"

He smiled. "Well, that's a good question, Ez. That's why after her forever with him, they decided to go to the stars. Forever side by side. In a deep slumber next to each other for eternity."

The young girl was puzzled. "What would happen if she woke up?"

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