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Ezeriah looked out at the horizon from the top of the icy mountain overlooking the cave Lavern and Emilia once owned.

The bodies they found had all been buried, and while the new rescued Sealbearers like her were adjusting. She was finally after a month, beginning to process the grief she felt. And she felt the immensity of it constantly.

In dreams, she'd see Jaxton's body thwarting backwards as the bullets sliced through his golden skin.

She was constantly reminded of Lavern and Emilia. Carrying their dead children to the mass burial only made it harder as they continued to live in the cave.

More scientists were coming out of the Backlands and to the cave where Ziof and Ezeriah seemed charge of. They were making great strides, but really Ezeriah wanted to be alone. Alone to mourn, alone to think about Jaxton.

And so, teleporting to the top of a icy mountain where no one - not even the rescued could maintain homeostasis- and true, they were discovering talents, like growing food from the earth with the manifestation of thought and fire. They controlled elements as their gift came from their connection to the Earth, but no talent level like Ezeriah's as she was the reflection of the planet. Which was lonely.

If her blood spilt, thus volcanos erupt. She could feel fear from the others: blades of grass would tremble when she was near just as their veins would with the fierceness their blood pumped out adrenaline.

No one was like Ezeriah.. No one tamed the fires in her heart and sparked the currents in her mind. Except Jaxton.

Jaxton. Her heart ached, causing her to close her eyes and center herself.

She rarely was able to have alone time, and as chaos and truth spread through the country, they were slowly gaining more control over the government and were rising to be the new leaders which kept her quite busy.

Ezeriah still wanted only Jaxton.

She tried to remember how Yelun told her about mindleaping. He told her that in the 12 Dimension, in which souls can communicate, she could contact anyone. So, she came to the mountain where she would try to Mindleap to see Jaxton. But Jaxton never responded. Even if he'd died and been reborn in a mirror Earth, he still could be contacted.

So, why wasn't he?

She lied down in the frigid snow and focused on opening her mind to his.

Deep in the 12th dimension, she could hear the low rumblings of the universe and space, everso growing and evolving.

She focused on his name and called upon the Supremes, and still nothing. Why weren't they answering? Why wasn't Jaxley heeding the call? Or Iacobus?

She was desperate. She needed Jaxton. She couldn't continue on without him. She just couldn't.

Suddenly, the inside of her mind began to jumble and rattle causing her to sieze unbeknownst to her.

You are not welcomed here, La Telia. To drink the ocean full when it was meant to carry the channel for you is betrayal at the highest.

A deep voice boomed throughout the dimension. Ezeriah's eyes flew open. She pressed onto her chest trying to catch her breath.

A voice. An old, ancient voice- the voice of every Supreme, had filled her head and cut her out of the dimension.

She immediately returned to the cave. In her room, she sat at her bed and tried to calm herself. She lied down in her bed shivering in fear when right as she closed her eyes, she felt the presence of being watched.

Slowly, she lifted her self out of the covers, letting her legs touch the floor.

Ezeriah. Jaxton mindsended.

A scream erupted from her throat as his voice echoed in her mind.

Ezeriah , Jaxton repeated.

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