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Living again was definitely going to take some getting used to. Especially being healthy and alive. She was used to (well, two thousand years ago) having someone help her up when she'd awaken, but now, she was strong enough to get up herself. She yawned, stretched out her legs and sighed sleepily. She definitely missed this.

Last night, when all the boys left, Deyja had let her sleep in her sister's old room. The bed was a good comforting size, and the room was neatly decorated in a gray and dusty pink pallet. To Ezeriah, it looked like dream bedrooms she'd see on social media sights. She wondered about what luxuries these people had, that they'd consider normal these days.

She pulled the covers high around her waist and leaned back on the bed frame. Staring at the wall, she thought about her family.

"It's okay, sweetie." Ezeriah's mom forced a smile, caressing the side of her face.

Ezeriah leaned into her mother's touch, the familiar feeling being soothing. "I'm okay, mom."

"You'll wake up some day, and you'll get to have the life you've always dreamed." Her lips trembled, as tears filled her eyes.

She wiped them away quickly, not wanting to miss a single moment of seeing her daughter for the last time.

Ezeriah nodded. Her throat was tightening up, as her heart felt sharp piercings, and she couldn't get her words to form. She looked at her mother and father, making tears prickle in her eyes.

Her father, who knew her like the back of his hand, knew she was about to cry, and rushed to her side. He smiled down at her and held her frail hands in his.

"Be strong." He smiled, dark brown eyes sparkling as he gazed lovingly at his daughter. "You've been so strong these past couple years, now you just got a couple more hours."

Her heart clenched, and tears trickled down her hollowed cheeks. He wanted to hug her tightly, but the cancer had taken over her body and one squeeze to tight and she'd have a broken rib. He kissed her forehead, and brushed back her curls.

Coming from a steady long line of African Americans, it was no surprise when she inherited the coiled curls and dark brown skin. Her father was proud, and every day taught her to be strong, just like her ancestors many years ago.

"I'm strong," Ezeriah nodded." Now it's your turn."

Her father pulled her close." We love you so much, you've been so brave."

Ezeriah cried softly onto his chest, wishing her last hours would be an eternity.

"We love you so much." Her mother told her, rubbing her back.

Looking at the clock, she knew this was it. They would put her to sleep, and she would never see them again. And as she heard the faint beeping of her flat lining, she replayed their words over and over again before she finally faded into darkness.

Ezeriah blinked back tears, and stared up at the ceiling. She inhaled deeply, and wanted desperately to meet them one last time. But by now they were dead, and her descendants from her brother were dead too. She wondered if she had any family left, but it would be too good to be true.

A light knocking on the door, jolted her from her thoughts.

"It's just me." Deyja said on the other side of the door, she slowly opened the door." Hey, good morning."

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