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The new group of friends were all were quietly sitting in the living room enjoying the peaceful silence of the peak of the day. Except Li. His mind was still whirling and filled with questions. He knew staring at Ezeriah was making her uncomfortable, yet he couldn't help it. He desperately wanted to figure out what happened.

"We should do an experiment," Li nodded as he met all their eyes.

They all looked at him oddly.

"With what?" Deyja frowned.

"On Ezeriah." Li blinked.

Jaxton snorted." No, we don't test on our friends."

Li sighed." She probably won't get damaged. I just want to learn some things. I do have some questions first."

"Okay,." Ezeriah sat up, taking a deep breath."What's your question?"

"First, when we brought you here, did your skin burn?" Li asked.

"Not really." She shrugged.

"Alright. What about during the chemo?" He raised a dark brow.

"Well, I wasn't allowed outside. Whenever we would go outdoors, we had to wear protective gear. I haven't felt the sun on my bare skin since I was just a little girl." Ezeriah spoke thoughtfully as she remembered the sweet warmth when she woke up yesterday.

"So, the first time since you felt the sun was two thousand years ago and it didn't hurt you?" Li summed up.

She nodded." Yep, two thousand years ago."

"How old were you when you were medically induced?" Deyja asked, leaning in.

"Eighteen. That was the age of legal status." Ezeriah told her.

"Huh, now its twenty four." Deyja spoke surprised. " Li and I are nineteen and Jax is twenty. It should go back to that."

Jaxton smiled as he warmly watched Deyja, but Li rolled his eyes.

"Anyway, we're taking you to the sun roof." Li stood up.

He held his hand out for Ezeriah but Deyja grabbed his arm and yanked him back.

"We're not testing on her! We'll find answers some other way," She glared.

Jaxton scratched his head. "It may be the only way, Dey."

She scoffed. "No, absolutely no. I mean, what if she gets hurt? Our medicines may not even work for her or be too strong! We don't know, and shouldn't take a risk."

Ezeriah chewed her lip. "I'm willing to do it."

They all silently turn and looked at her. Li and Jaxton glanced at each other and gave a shrug. Seeing, Deyja's jaw dropped and she grabbed Ezeriah hands.

"You don't have to do this," She held Ezeriah's eyes.

Ezeriah nodded. "I know, but I want to. I mean I want to know what they did to me."

Jaxton nodded. "If we want to help her, we may have to take risk. Besides, what she had was caused by the sun, and solar radiation. She said she was cured... but we still haven't figured out why she's tatted with a weird marking. This could tell us."

Ezeriah stood up. "Where do I have to go?"

Li grinned. "Scared of heights?"

Ezeriah laughed softly. "I don't know, why?"

Deyja shook her head as Li held his shoulders back and pointed to the ceiling.

"We're going all the way to the top." He smirked.

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