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While Ezeriah's vitals were being checked by Emilia, and Jaxton was examined by Yelun, Deyja could help the vicious jealousy and decaying hatred that was filled her heart. She loathed Ezeriah. Jaxton was hers. Always hers. How did this happen?

She tore her eyes from the rooms they were in, and stared at the cavernous walls of the living room. She closed her eyes, feeling her stomach growl.

"If you all are hungry, I can make something," Lavern told Ziof, Deyja and Li as they sat exhausted with their sleeping kids next to them, or rather legs sprawled over them.

"Can't eat." Li shook his head, eyes trained on his friend.

"How is he?" Ziof sat up.

Lavern chewed his lip. He glanced at Deyja before hesitantly continuing."It's not looking too good. When he fell, he landed head first. We think."

Deyja dropped her head in her hands.

"We're trying everything." Lavern went on. "With him being, well- nuclear radiated, and then this... He's going to need some time. He's only human. It was quite the fall."

Ezeriah racked her brain of what had happened, but all her mind showed her was Jaxton grabbing her before screaming in agony as his veins glowed green just as she did. She looked up at Yelun, who was listening to Lavern, as well. Should she tell him? She trusted Ziof and Ziof trusted him, so she decided to take a deep breath.

"I remember something," Ezeriah said hoarsely, and quietly to Yelun.

Yelun frowned, stopping his medic work. "About what happened?"

She watched as he kept bandaging her, nonchalantly. She could trust him. She exhaled gently.

"Yes." She said firmly.

He glanced up at her. Continue.

"Well," She took a shaky breath. "The night we all first left, he stayed up with me. And he held my hand."

Yelun's brows twitched forward, but other than that he remained completely composed.

"And there were these things, um- plankton. They were blue. They made me glow blue. And when he held my hand, he glowed blue, too." Ezeriah stopped, biting her lip at the memory she had so desperately tried to dislodge. "I don't exactly know what happened today, but all I remember is him grabbing me, and I was glowing green. He turned green, too."

Yelun held her eyes, this time with zero movement from his hands. He utterly and wholesomely studied her.

"He didn't say anything," She went on, quickly. "So, I assumed he didn't want anyone to know. So I didn't say anything either. Deyja- I-"

He shook his head, dismissing that. "You think the energy never left him?"

She didn't know what to think.

"I-I don't know, I just felt it may be important." She admitted.

He sighed deeply. "That could explain how easily you awoken him with your lightening...Though you are really powerful."

"I don't think the energy is giving me control over him. I just think, maybe it's weakening him." She shrugged. "Maybe even the radioactivity is still in him."

He nodded. "We should talk to Lavern."

"No!" She exclaimed. She quickly calmed herself, not wanting anyone to hear. "I don't want anyone to know."

"That you two held hands while he was- is still dating Deyja?" He raised a brow.

"Something like that," She admitted.

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