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Ezeriah hadn't seen so many people in one room since the day before she was induced. It brought back memories- memories that actually stayed present in her mind. She sipped her drink as Jaxton held her hand comforting her.

Jaxton wasn't a stranger to large rooms; he remembered press conferences, government balls and parties as a child. He joined in on conversations, laughed when everyone else laughed, while Ezeriah sat stiffly.

She pretended to not notice all the reoccurring glances her way. While Lavern and Emilia didn't properly introduce Ezeriah yet, it was very clear she was The Telia.

Even with The Seal hidden.

"Are you gonna eat that?" Li pointed at the meat on Deyja's plate.

"Yes, idiot," She huffed and stabbed the meat with her fork.

"Damn," He sighed.

"Here," Ziof chewed while cutting his meat in half. "Have mine."

Li was grateful. "Thank you, Z. If you don't-"

"Take it," Ziof plopped the meat into Li's plate.

He was the oldest, it was his responsibility to take care of his friends.

The scientists watched the group of friends in awe. One leaned forward and smiled warmly at them.

"I'm Charlé," the man with the gray beard said. "I used to work in the warfare side of the military. I'm so surprised that you all made it here untouched. How did you all manage to all make it?"

Jaxton made eyes with Ziof before leaning into the table. "We know the military, as well."

With the candlelight on his face, it was clear who he was- and who is father was. They all gasped and bowed their heads.

"Sir, it's my honor," Charlé held his hand to his chest. "I admired your father greatly."

Jaxton chuckled. "Please, I'm not him. No need for that. Please, everyone, we're grateful for your help and willingness to put for life on the line. This government has stolen too much from the people. The way I see it, revolt was inevitable. With the knowledge that The Telia has been created, Ezeriah, my girlfriend, and knowing why my father was... thank you for joining our alliance."

"I worked directly with your father." A man stood up. "Jaxley was a great man. I tried to warn him. He had plans to flee but he was too late. I am willing to die for his life and what he did."

Everyone nodded.

"Your name?" Ziof raised a brow.

"Josef Lockwood," He straightened his back.

Ziof's shoulders eased. "Nice to meet you. Thank you for joining us. The Antiona's have a bloodline of lots and lots of history and important people. Your alliance to the eldest Antiona is greatly appreciated."

Everyone nodded.

"There's so much we have to tell you all," Yelun cleared his throat. "Unless you all already know the history of the Antiona's."

Some glanced around, some nodded understanding what he meant.

The Antiona's made Ezeriah.

It was clear who were young scared scientists who fled do to an uncivil government and who fled because they knew too much, sided with Jaxton's father, and were going to die as well.

"Jaxton?" Yelun turned to him. "If you will?"

Jaxton stood up. He took a drink, swallowing hard. He looked around at the room of scientist.

Could he trust them?

"My family has a secret language. It's genetic." Jaxton watched their reaction. "I don't know who started it, I don't know the timeline but as most of you all know my family has a history of genetic engineering and scientists focusing on that field. Somehow, someone rerouted a genetic code and incorporated a language that is in the subconscious. There's a book my father would read to me. I understood the language, but I can't recall the language unless I see it or hear it. I think that's the key to Ezeriah. To shut off her powers, to activate them, I mean, the possibilities are endless. I think that's what the Academy missed. An Antiona has to speak it to her. It was an Antiona project to create her. I'm sure of it. So, we have to return. To my mothers home. Get the book. And I'll read it to Ezeriah. We'll be truly unstoppable then. She alone can call on the cosmos of the multiverse. We can take down the Academy."

Everyone was speechless.

"Ezeriah, Jax, and I will be the only one going to Jaxton's home," Yelun carefully looked around. "To ease our trust issues."

Several people chuckled.

"It only seems fitting," Charlé nodded.

"Everyone else will join me." Ziof slowly rose.

Looking exactly like his father, everyone immediately knew he was the son of the commander. And with the notorious tattoos, it was also clear who he also was; the most feared, most wanted terrorist alive. 

"I'll conduct the battle strategy and the raid. But I'll need all of your expertises to find the other induced people. I want more than to kill the people who killed my father Commander Zion James and our wonderful leader Jaxley Antiona more than anything. But my main focus is to get out as many people as we can. When they're awake, we tell the world and down goes The Academy." Ziof was determined.

His determination made Jaxton smile. He stood and spoke exactly like his father.

Everyone gave their aye of agreement.

Suddenly Ezeriah stood up. "Hi. My name is Ezeriah."

The room grew silent. No one moved, no one blinked, all attention was on The Telia.

"I'm sure most of you remember me when I was um, asleep. So, I guess we've all met before." Ezeriah glanced at Jaxton for support.

He smiled warmly.

"I'm not asking anyone to give their life for me," Her voice shook. "I don't want it to be this way. If I can help it, when we get the book we'll storm the Academy ourselves. I can bring life back. So there is no worry on that end."

Several people gasped in awe.

"Almost every day, we learn that I have a new power. I'd love to speak to all of you, I'd like you all to tell me about being The Telia and what it means and what I can do, but I know most of you know that my abilities are endless. I want this to be over as soon as possible. Don't do this for me, please. I agree with Jaxton and Ziof. I want this to be about their fathers and all the people asleep like I was. Who may never wake up, unless we wake them." Ezeriah looked around at everyone.

A woman stood up. "I worked in the room, where they kept you. I'd see you every day. The plan will work, you two sound just like your fathers, it's a wonderful plan. It's a good thing, you have us, because you would've went there to your deaths."

Silence grew heavier.

Hearts pounded.

Candles flickered on the cavern walls. 

It was Ezeriah's nerves, Jaxton realized.

"Ezeriah is the only one who can wake them," the lady whispered. "We can hold them off as long as needed, but we cannot carry them out. They are virtually lifeless bodies and heavy. It would be a bloodbath. Only Ezeriah can wake them. She has to be there next to them, speak to them and only then will their eyes open. In the Academy, the joke was that they were her army."

Ezeriah flinched. "I don't want an army."

"But the Academy did." The lady looked directly at Ezeriah. "You were their catastrophe, and they were your calamity. They planned on brain washing you when you woke up. To kill for them. To conquer planets and galaxies. I worked directly with Jaxley. He was a great man. Just as the book is only a language the Antiona's know, and is directly linked to Ezeriah. Only an Antiona can control The Telia. You were correct, Jaxton. This, this the Academy missed. Jaxley woke you up."

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