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"You awake?" Deyja gently asked as she peaked into the room.

"Y-yeah," Ezeriah sleepily sat up.

As Deyja walked in, Ezeriah frowned when she noticed no one else was behind her.

"It's just me," Deyja smiled softly.

Ezeriah gave a slow weary nod. "What's um, going on?"

"I wanted to apologize," Deyja forced out.

The lodge stuck in her throat, and her pride, made it difficult but she knew in her heart, she had to.

Deyja crossed her fingers together tightly. "You like Jaxton."

Ezeriah's brows switched. "Listen, it's not what you think-"

"It is what I think, Ez." Deyja slowly raised her head to meet Ezeriah's eyes. "You like him... He likes you. Him and I may have been together, but Ziof and Li are right, I mean, it was convenient for him and I to be together. It was expected, it was practically forced. The best in class, the best in school, both families of equal power, we both I guess just assumed it was what we were to do. And yes, we did click."

Deyja looked away, trying to hold back tears.

"Things have changed, though. For you, for me, I don't think any of us are the same people we were when we found you. A lot has happened." Deyja paused again. "And for whatever reason, you too have got along well... And... I still want him, I think it'll take time, of course, but I just want him happy. I think we've all seen the way he looks at you. I just want you to know, I won't be in the way anymore. The way I acted.... I'm so sorry. That was just awful of me. I apologize for all of that... He's all yours. I like you. I like our friendship. I don't blame you, I don't think you stole him from me, I guess I couldn't believe he could just move on like that and I was angry, but I'm not anymore. Things happen. I want you both to be happy. So, if you decide to be with him, I just want you to know, I won't stand in the way, him and I are over, hell- we have been for awhile, but he's all yours."

Ezeriah blinked. "Wait, I don't..."

"Don't like him like that?" Deyja chuckled. "You don't have to hold it back anymore. He knows. I know. Everyone here knows. Go get him."

Deyja smiled sadly, and patted Ezeriah's shoulder. Despite the heaving, and heavy pain that was weighing on her heart, she stood up and walked out.

Right as she was coming around the corner, about to let her tears out, she was smacked into a brick like body.

She stumbled back, feeling her heart stop as well, as she looked up at Jaxton.

"H-hey," He said awkwardly.

"She's waiting for you," Deyja said softly, careful go keep for voice level.

The last thing she wanted was for him to see her cry.

He nodded.

She pushed past him, bumping into Ziof and Li.

Great, she thought. They heard it all, too. So much for girl talk.

They pretended to be busy studying the place mats on the table, but she just headed outside wordlessly.

Jaxton chewed his lip, as he watched her walk out. He followed his heart, and went into the room.

"Hey, sleepyhead." He smiled down at her.

She smiled back. "You were out longer than me before I healed you."

He chuckled and sat down. "Feeling better?"

"I am," She said, as he took her hand.

"I heard everything," He murmured. "And the guys filled me in."

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