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"Nothing!" Jaxton and Ziof said in unison jumping apart.

Yelun raised a brow and looked at both of them, tediously. "Jaxton, you have been acting weird ever since the Leap."

Jaxton tried to keep his face composed. "It was quite the experience."

"Something about the experience made it so." Yelun slowly walked in.

Ziof glanced at Jaxton then Yelun nervously.

"If it is harming to Ezeriah's health I think it would be best to share." Yelun sat down and delicately crossed his fingers.

"It sort of is." Ziof spoke in sporadic spurts.

Jaxton scoffed. "It's not even a big deal."

Ziof sighed. "It's your call."

Jaxton glared at the wall. "Get comfortable."

After Jaxton and Ziof finished telling Yelun all of what they uncovered, Yelun sat there in awe and confusion.

He was silent for several moments as each time he'd open his mouth to speak, he found himself with no regards for words.

"Yeah," Jaxton sighed. "It's a lot to take in."

"A lot, lot." Yelun murmured.

"I say we tell everyone." Ziof shrugged.

"If it is this engrained. She could be in more danger than we even imagined." Yelun told them. "I mean, she could've been chosen to become The Seal bearer long before she even was put under."

"Maybe the cancer wasn't so coincidental." Ziof agreed.

"This is really bad." Jaxton began pacing.

Yelun sighed. "We have to get her manifested to her fullest capability. Before they do."


"Teach her to control it. So they can't control her. Teach her to be invincible to anything." Yelun whispered.

"She's not ready." Jaxton told him in fear and apprehension.

"We have to get her ready." Yelun nodded with a determined look in his eyes.

Ziof nodded, too. "Whatever it takes."

"Tomorrow morning, you tell everyone. And then we'll get straight to work." Yelun said.


Everyone was silent, so silent the dripping water in the cave echoed. Their minds were whirring with thoughts and questions, yet they all were frozen in place.

Emilia tried to ration everything but it was wondrous and baffling even to her brilliant high IQ'd mind.

Emilia wet her lips. "So, you're in a worse situation than we even imagined."

"How so?" Deyja asked slowly.

"There are a lot of people bidding on you, and for you." Emilia looked directly at Ezeriah. "Once they realize- unless they already have- that you've awakened everyone will be coming for you. I don't think anywhere would be safe for you. You are pirates gold."

Ezeriah frowned. "Why me? I mean, I don't- I don't understand why me."

Ziof chuckled. "You have no idea how special you are. I'm nobody and I can see it."

"I think you're somebody." Ezeriah said with a soft smile.

Jaxton laughed. "Oh yeah, to the government. He's a true wanted man."

Deyja and Yelun broke out in laughter while Ezeriah frowned.

"This guy Ziof right here, has bombed government buildings and led mass murder and destruction attacks on world leaders. Owns the biggest drug cartel in this hemisphere." Li said proudly.

"And I'm his assistant." Yelun straightened his back.

"Thought you were a tattooist?" Ezeriah's brows furrowed.

Ziof rolled his eyes with a smirk. He ran his tongue over his teeth. "That's a side job."

"Anyway!" Deyja cut in. "We need to figure out how to help her."

Jaxton pondered for a moment. A painful moment that began to boil in him desperate to be released from him. "We have to go back."

It grew quiet in the room.

"Go....back?" Li said slowly.

He nodded meeting everyone's eyes but Ezeriah's. "We have to. We need to find out what all she can do so she can protect herself. They know all about her: her strengths and weaknesses, and we don't. Unfortunately. I'd imagine there's a book. My dad President Antiona um, had a study room. He'd only let me in when he was teaching me how to read these- well, what I thought were family ancient texts. But, I imagine they are not so. He was um, p-publicly executed as we um, all know. Ziof and I are sure it has something to do with Ezeriah. If I can get to them, I I can read them. I think we'll know how to protect and save Ezeriah. But, my home is near The Academy."

Ziof nodded. "We'll get you there."

"Yeah, Ezeriah stays here, and you, Ziof and I go." Deyja nodded determinedly. "We three were the best ones in Academy Training."

"No," Emilia disagreed. "We wait til Lavern comes back. He'll have an army ready to rebel. Some of us will do a distraction and storm the Academy, while the rest will get the books and hid Ezeriah. If we have enough we'll have a different group for protecting Ezeriah."

"I'm right here," Ezeriah said quietly. "I may be wanted but I will not sit still and let people fight for me. If anything, you all could use my help."

Li sighed. "It would be a great distraction for Jaxton to get the book."

"Yeah, and get her killed!" Jaxton scoffed. "She comes with me."

He grabbed her hand and looked her in the eyes.

She sighed. "If I go with you, it's to protect you."

"Ezeriah, Jaxton, and I get the book. Which isn't going to be easy. I'm sure Mrs. Antiona is being watched in case Jax shows up so we'll keep our group small." Yelun announced.

Li nodded with a gulp. "The rest will fight."

"We get the book, make a big distraction and then what?" Deyja frowned.

"Run." Ziof looked her in her eyes. "Run like hell."

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