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The team stayed busy over the course of the days. Everyone was on board with the plan and wanted more than anything to take The Academy down. And of course, save Ezeriah.

How unfair for a girl to be tortured, used as a pawn and then awakened in a completely new era of time only to be hunted? It was their era of time, and they wanted to show Ezeriah this was a good era of people.

Deep down, Ziof knew humanity would never be good; the planet Earth was formed and thus began the birth of humankind. How was it that the humans found their intelligence (as on any planet in the multiverse; an intelligent apex always rises) and still floundered in the depths of their arrogance and total stupidity. Even the most intelligent human in Earths history had it's limits. And so, with this tragic downfall, they caused the destruction of their own planet. No outside being needed to start war on Earth, they knew humans would tear their own selves apart. And so, Ziof had absolutely no problem walking into the Academy headquarters and obliterating it to pieces.

Ziof wasn't good. He was a lot of things, but good would never be one of them. And he was okay with it. The Academy wasn't good either.

"Still sharpening knives," Jaxton commented.

Ziof chuckled. "Yeah, uh, gotta be prepared. You know?"

Jaxton nodded and sat down next to him. "You and I know more about the Academy's military structure better than anyone."

"My father was the commander of the military," Ziof smiled. "Under your father's rule, the chief."

Jaxton began sharpening a blade, as well. "I doubt they've changed any strategies. Our parents were geniuses."

Ziof agreed. "Everything Emilia has said adds up pretty well to what our parents did. I'll be fine."

Jaxton held his eyes, trying to hide his nerves. "Yeah. I mean, I know. You're a badass. You're gonna be storming a highly weaponized facility. Can't be too careful."

"This isn't about being careful," Ziof put his hand on Jaxton's shoulder sensing his fear. Being the older brother figure he was, he calmed him. "This is about causing a distraction, so you and your girlfriend make it out alive and can activate Ezeriah or whatever the books has in there and take down the Academy with us."

"Your dad would be proud," Ziof patted him on the back.

"Yours would too." Jaxton said quietly. "They'd be fighting alongside of us... if they were here."

"They're in their next life, in a different dimension, living happily as can be." Ziof confirmed. "Let's not think about them. Let's not disrupt their peace."

Jaxton sighed. "My mom and I didn't exactly leave on good terms. I just don't wanna be without both of them."

"Nothing is going to happen to your mother. And if something does, you have all of us," Ziof motioned to everyone in the freshly growing grass, practice their shooting, working on their fitness and endurance.

Jaxton chuckled. "And my brother?"

"I'll take a bullet any day for him," Ziof look at the snowy mountains grazing the clear blue sky contemplating death.

"Me too," Jaxton murmured.

Silence grew on them, leaving them to their thoughts. Suddenly Emilia's kids came running through the cave exit into the open field.

Emilia spun around grabbing her son. "Kafen, I told you all to stay inside and study!"

Paige squealed." Papa's back!"

Everyone turned around in anticipation.

"He is?" Emilia's face lit up gripping her daughters hands.

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