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Nobody spoke much the first couple days. Realizing exactly just how tough it would be definitely wore on their spirits. It was searing hot, and they had to move fast, but keep low. It wore on their bodies, leaving them dehydrated and sore. Finding any stream of water, or a pour of rain, was the high light of the entire day. The nights on the cold cavern floors seemed to be a luxury.

Deyja, who came from a family of oil and gas wealth during the Age of Communications, never pictured finding cold rock to sleep on to be her favorite part of her day.

But, with Jaxton, it didn't matter.

Li kept busy making maps and battle strategies. Mainly in his head, but any downtime (which wasn't much) he hurriedly wrote down things.

Yelun was helpful too. A tinkerer,- resourceful and intelligent, picked up any scrap they found, and used it to build things. With one, he was able to crush plants, mixing it with the mineral they had found, making a quick healthy meal. With other scrap, he used to start projects for bombs, or anything he thought could protect them in anyway.

Ziof kept a battle front as well. As they walked, he'd teach Ezeriah to wield her weapon, teach her to hit. He saw the end goal, and had a deep protective side for his friends. He was a keen listener and any sound, even a rustle he was quick to get everyone down and have his gun cocked, ready to end whoever came for them.

Deyja and Ziof both discussed ways of helping Ezeriah and figure out what all she could do, but anytime Ezeriah tried, she'd come up off the ground and burn enormous crater-like holes in the ground or bring wild fires. It was best they stopped.

Jaxton preferred it that way. He sensed Ezeriah's fear. Now wasn't the time to see what all she could do. Huge craters in the ground, surely would draw attention, and that was not what they needed right now. That, and her petrified eyes would always find his before glowing amber then again before collapsing in a heap on the ground. The roots in his heart pulled on his lungs making it hard for him to breath as he was filled with rather confusing anguish for her. He barely knew her. Where was the intense feeling coming from?

Nonetheless, the group continued. Plucking fruits from stray trees, filling their bottles at streams, sometimes even diving into the bodies of water.

More days past.

Finally after going through a forest, that morning when they woke up, they were on the edge of going through a prairie. Long grass taller than the boys sprouted before them, dancing in the wind. They all gasped as their eyes trailed past the gap of grass. There, were foothills to huge snowy caped mountains.

"We made it." Deyja whispered.

Jaxton slid his arm around her waist. Ezeriah looked away, closing her eyes.

"Not quite." He told her, gently.

"This is too easy." Ziof muttered.

Yelun frowned at him. Li peered at him, slowly coming to a realization.

"We went through prairies before. Just days outside of Wilden. They could have killed us then." Li leaned up against a tree.

"We've stayed along mainly rocky paths, Li. There's no way they could've kept track of us." Deyja chuckled nervously.

Yelun shook his head. "Something isn't right."

Jaxton looked up out at the mountains. "Think they're waiting on the other side? Kill us, take her?"

Ezeriah met his eyes, quickly looking away.  He swallowed hard, looking away, as well.

"It's a possibility." Ziof nodded.

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