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Li successfully took down all of the security and lock systems while Yelun concentrated on the device he made to control the lock systems and security himself. While they did that, Ziof organized the plan for the break-in and broke into the bunkers secret ammunition and weapon supply. There were 10 weapons for every person. That to Ezeriah was very mind easing.

Ezeriah had faith in the plan. They didn't have control over her anymore. This was going to work.

Putting the last blade in her jacket, Deyja turned to Ezeriah. "Ready?"

Ezeriah nodding, as she braided back her hair. "As I'll ever be."

"You just focus on awakening the bodies. They may not have your power, but they have power. Once they're awake, they'll be forced to surrender." Ziof patted Ezeriah on the back.

"And then we get Jaxton." Li murmured as he added a gun to his waist.

"Everyone is in place," Yelun told them, rubbing his temple from all the mind-sending. "We're good to go."

Their solemn eyes looked back and forth at one another. This was it. They all took deep breaths.

"Let's go," Ezeriah opened the door.


Suddenly, President Hakwey bursted into the room. With rage so unattainable, his entire body rattled with fury. His vile eyes landed on Jaxley.

"You!" President Hakwey snarled. "We no longer have control over the girl! What did you do?"

President Hakwey grabbed Jaxley by the neck and raised a blade. Jaxton's heart clenched making him gasp. He broke out of the chains and ripped the metal off his mouth.

"It wasn't him! It was ..." His eyes searched his father's, who was begging in Jaxton's mind to be silent. "It was me."

Jaxley slumped to the ground, closing his eyes in despair.

"Your strength," President Hakwey was in awe.

"It's... its adrenaline. Anyone can do it." Jaxton swallowed hard with a pounding heart.

"Your father has done that, as well. Years ago, of course," President Hakwey's full attention was in Jaxton.

Jaxton was terrified.

"I must say, when you risked your life for her during that lovely stampede, all I could think of was how you didn't die when we caused her to radiate the place. Your special too, aren't you?" President Hakwey's eyes pulled closer as they focused on Jaxton. "What's in your mind, little one? I can't get into your father's... can I get into yours?"

Jaxton took a nervous step backwards. "N-no. I don't know anything."

President Hakwey pulled out a device and pointed it at Jaxton. He immediately fell to the ground in a seizure.

"Yes, look at your weak mind. Give in," President Hakwey sneered adding more force on what looked like a taser device.

Jaxton knew what it was though. It was used in interrogations. It forced your mind to let down its barriers so the person using the device, with one touch, can see every single thought or memory a person ever had. If President Hakwey got into his mind, he'd know the truth about his blood and Ezeriah's existence and their connection. The pain of resisting was excruciating.

"Give in," President Hakwey put the device on full strength.

Jaxton screamed out in pain and then suddenly all he could see was white. And then, he felt nothing at all.

President Hakwey placed his long nimble fingers against Jaxton's forehead as Jaxley fought his chains. President Hakwey never felt so enlightened. Pulling away, he turned to Jaxley with a grin.

"I'm going to have your son control Ezeriah to come to my side and be the weapon she is meant to be." President Hakwey laughed with malice. "Stand up, your coming with me. Why don't you join us Jaxley? Wouldn't you want to witness your million year old plan fall apart?"

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