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The training was hard. They all had training in their school, but this was on a whole new level.  Lavern was good. He was great. He was a master at the defense arts. They couldn't keep up.

And then there was Ezeriah.

She didn't even know how to form a fist correctly. Jaxton thought it was cute, watching her frown as she tried to mimic Lavern's punches into the air. He wanted to take his place, and gently show her how to close her fingers around a blade and how to swing it. He could sense she would be better with a knife or a shotgun. She had a strong stance.

"Come on, keep up!" Li shoved Jaxton as he almost got swiped by Deyja's blade.

"Shit. Yeah. Trying." He shook his head and clutched his knife tighter.

Deyja resisted from rolling her eyes, knowing exactly where his focus was on- or rather who.

"Okay, easy this time." Ziof told Ezeriah as she chewed her cheek trying to maneuver the large sword against Lavern. She wanted a small one like everyone else had.

"You'll get to that," He noticed her eyes looking from the large blade she had to the small ones everyone else had. "If you don't learn with these, you'll never get to fight with them. Knives are for really skilled fighters. You... just woke up, from ... a very long nap."

Lavern chuckled. "They all started learning with these, we all did."

She nodded. "If I can control lightening and this is metal couldn't I just like... make it zap you?"

Ziof glanced at Lavern. "That's a thought..."

She huffed, raising the blade like a bat, and swung it at Lavern. He instinctively jumped back, trying to hold back laughter.

"Oh my." Emilia covered her mouth.

Lavern and Ziof both kept avoiding eye contact to hold back giggles.

"What? That was good." Ezeriah jumped, swinging the sword in the process.

"Easy, killer." Ziof murmured, stepping back.

"That was good... right?" Her happiness began to fade as she felt everyone's petrified eyes on her.

"Um, well. Uh. You see.." Ziof scratched the back of his neck.

They had been working the past several hours on footwork, hand and hand combat, and now swordsmanship and she was a complete disaster at all of it. And clumsy.

"Maybe the sword isn't for you." Jaxton smoothly interjected. "They're right, you need to start of with something like this, but maybe you need to keep training a bit. And once you get the hang of it all, you could try a knife."

"And if that doesn't work?"  She swallowed, trying her hardest to not look too long into his ocean eyes.

Even just a split second of eye contact brought them into several galaxies thousands of miles from everyone. Lost in the clouds, up in the starts it was just them too and their beating hearts. She hated it.

"Yelun isn't the best with a blade or combat, either." Ziof told her. "He's extremely uncoordinated, so he keeps a distance and fights with more scientific works."

"His bombs." She noted.

"Among many other things." Yelun gave Ziof a look with embarrassment.

"Frankly though, I don't see why you need any of it." Li shrugged. "You have powers!"

"Many we don't know to the extent of what." Deyja muttered.

"Isn't that kinda why we came out here?" Yelun cocked his head to the side.

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