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"Aiken!" Li scooped him up with a warm hug.

"Where's Jaxton?" Deyja took a dizzying step backwards. Her heart was swelling in her chest and she could no longer breath.

"They took him." Yelun turned around trying to hide the pain he felt too.

Deyja collapsed to the floor and cried. Her life seemed to drain from her leaving her weak and paralyzed. "Jax, no."

"The book?" Ziof rushed in stopping with a frown. "W-where's Jaxton?"

"They took him!" Deyja wailed. "And now they'll kill him just like they did his father!"

Ziof rushed to her side and comforted her. "He's strong. Ezeriah, do you still feel him?"

She gulped. "He's still asleep. He's restless though like-"

"He's sedated." Ziof rubbed his face. "They get the book, too?"

Ezeriah raised the book up. She opened the book to find blank sheets of paper.

"What in the-" Ziof scowled.

"Let Aiken look at it. Jaxton did say it's genetic right?" Li brought Aiken forward. "Your father wrote this for your brother. Do you think you can tell us what it says so we can help him?"

Aiken sat up and looked at the page. He blinked as he saw his dad's handwriting appear as if he was just now writing it. Tears formed in his eyes as he touched his fathers words.

They all frowned at each other as he ran his fingers over the blank paper.

"We created the Earth. My family from...space. And created Ezeriah to embody the energy to heal the galaxy. It was time. Like a rib from our spine. And we love her. We all wanted to be her chosen consort. But Jaxton has been chosen since the beginning of time." Aiken blinked back tears. "We have a secret language. And certain pockets in the multiverse. My father knew everything that would happen. He knew they'd come for him. He knew he had to die. He knew we'd find her. I don't understand-"

"That's enough buddy." Li took the book back and handed it to Ezeriah. "I'm holding a god."

They all nodded to Li, taking steps back from him.

"Is he okay?" Aiken covered his face and cried.

Li rubbed his back. "Of course."

"So, you guys are hiding in the secret bunker. Why?" Yelun asked Ziof.

Ziof chuckled. "Benard is very dead and very traitorous."

Yelun sat down. "Let's storm the facility. Awaken everyone and get the hell out."

"Easier sat than done." Ziof sat down too. "The scientists on our side are pretending to be scientists for the Academy again. We just need to wait until we hear further information.

"I'll cause another black out. Get me a microphone and I'll announce for them to wake." Ezeriah clenched her fist.

"No. Then they know you're here." Ziof said.

"How about-"

"They took Jaxton!" Deyja exploded. "We need to get him back."

"He won't want to be back if we risk our bodies and lives and don't wake the bodies. I'm gonna kill the president." Ziof gritted his teeth.

With that he left the room.

Li sighed. "You hungry, buddy? This presidential emergency bunker has everything. Beds, bathrooms, food to last for 15 years, everlasting weapons; we're safe. C'mon."


The ringing of the security circuits was the first to wake Jaxton. It was irritating, really. He raised his head, finding his month was covered and he was chained. He began to fight making another prisoner stir. The man raised his head and there before Jaxton, shackled, stood his father, Jaxley Antiona.

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