Chapter 4

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      Brushing my fingers along Benny's hand, I glance at Freddy. His eyes are watching us, not blinking. I smirk to myself, and slip my hand into Benny's. he automatically looks at me, and I smile a little.

      "Your so hot." Benny tells me, pulling me closer to him.

      "Thanks!" I say, my face heating up. A small growl to my left makes me jump. Freddy looks furious, and he's not far away now.

       "Leave her alone Bentley." Freddy hisses at Benny. Benny rolls his eyes at smiles at me. I smiled back then turn back to Freddy.

        "Why would I leave her alone Freddy?" Benny asks, squeezing my hand.

"Because the last time you stole my girl you ditched her and abused her." Freddy hisses at Benny. I glance at Benny he doesn't flinch so I don't either.

         "When did I ever steal your girl? Summer was never your girl you guys never dated." Benny states smirking at Freddy. Freddy flinches and looks at me. His eyes filled with sadness.

          "Benny's right Freddy." I tell him, gripping Benny's hand tighter. Freddy nods at me, then shoves his hands in his pockets.

          "If you want me to go I can." Freddy's tells me, his face turning red.

           "You already paid for the movie so you can go see it just sit far away from us." Benny spits at Freddy.

           "Is that what you would like Summer?" Freddy asks me, his smile full of hope.

            "It is." I gulp, and march away. This isn't going the way I wanted it to. I wanted Freddy to realize that he has to fight for me and not lamely. But he didn't even stand up for himself! Well he did a bit, but he was still a wimp. I guess I'll just have to keep making him jealous, by dating Bentley.

             "You ready?" Benny asks me as we take our seats.

              "Yes!" I squeak, as the horror movie starts.

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