Chapter 25

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Okay, I tell myself. Everything is going to be okay. My breath is shaky, and my fingers tremble. My mom is in the other room, typing on her computer. Little does she know that her world is about to be rattled, just like mine was. It's now been another month since I've told Asher that I'm pregnant, and we've both decided that it's time to tell our parents. My mom being the first.

"Hey mom!" I say, maybe a little bit too energetically.

"Hi sweetie, how are you?" I swallow, she has no idea.

"Well, um that's what I wanted to talk to you about actually." She looks up from her screen and sees how nervous I look.

"What's wrong? You know you can always tell me anything." I nod, and try to smile. But I know it looks like a weak attempt.

"I'm," I start. Her eyes look deep into mine, worry laced through her kind expression. I know that she truly cares and loves me, I hope this doesn't change that. I take a deep breath and look down at the ground. "I'm pregnant" silence fills the room, and all I can hear is my heart pounding. I wonder if my mom can hear it too. Just when I'm about to look up at her, the door bell rings.

My mom sighs and says, "I need to go get that." I glance up just in time to see her back disappearing around the corner. That went well, I say to myself, she probably hates you now. The one thing she always taught me was to never get pregnant, and had told me about multiple ways to prevent it. I never thought I would be in this situation. Tears prick my eyes, and the wet, hot tear rolls down my cheek. I hastily wipe it away as my mom and Asher come back around the corner.

"Yes, Summer's just told me." Her voice sounds strained, and I can't meet her eye. But I meet Asher's. His eyes search mine, looking for something about how I'm feeling. I know that he can see the tears in my eyes, and I can see in his that he is pained by that sight.

"I want to assure you mrs. Hathaway, that I fully intend to take care of this child." I finally look at my mom, she's staring at my stomach, but she nods.

"Good. Now if you would excuse me I need to go take a bath." Asher nods and walks over to me, pulling me into an embrace. Over Asher's shoulder I see my mom give me a faint smile, but then she heads up the stairs. And once I'm sure that's she gone I pull back from the hug and plant my lips on Asher's. He kisses me back, holding me in his arms like I will break.

"Thank you." I breath on his lips.

He gives me another peck and then says, "no, thank you. Thank you for being strong enough to do that." I giggle at his words.

"Why does that matter?" My eyes meet his. "Besides I wasn't strong, I was weak, I didn't do it right."

"But at least it's over." He whispers before pulling me back in. "Now let's go to that ultrasound appointment."

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