Chapter 19

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Skipping 3 months

I smile to myself as I nearly run down the hall. In a matter of only a few months, my life has gone from horrible to beautiful. I have everything that I could ever need.

"Hey." I giggle sliding onto the locker beside Asher's.

"Hey gorgeous." He smiles, kissing my forehead. "How was your day?"

"Great!" I say, waiting for him to grab everything from his locker. "I can't wait for tonight."

"I promise it'll be special." He whispers, giving me another kiss on the forehead. Tonight is our three month anniversary, and Asher promised me he would do something special for us.

"I trust you." I whisper back, grabbing his free hand. "Now lets go." I laugh, pulling him along with me. People still stare at me, although they have gotten less with time and since I've had Asher at my side. But he had to get used to them now to, especially after people found out we were dating. Multiple students didn't want Asher dating me, only for the sole reason that I was already 'used'. But he disagreed with them.

"I'm glad." Asher tells me, as we walk through the doors into the almost blistering heat. "If you didn't trust me, I'd be worried." I laugh, and hold his arm with my hand, pulling our bodies closer together.  As we walk across the field, we remain silent, just enjoying each other's company. It's a beautiful
day, and perfect for anything Asher wanted to take me to do.

"So do I get any hints of what this mystery night will be?" I ask him, leaning in towards him.

"Nope." He nudges his nose against mine, and I sigh. "You'll just have to wait."

"Fine." I mumble, gripping his collar and standing up on my tippy toes to peck just to the left of his lips. "I'll see you tonight then." I start to walk up to the bus, be Asher grabs my waist and pulls me back.

"What was that?" He growls, our faces so close I can feel his breath.

"Nothing." I lie. I had teased him, because he was teasing me. "Just a taste of your own medicine that's all."

"Very funny Summer." He says, then presses his lips to mine. I groan, and wrap my arms around his neck. Asher's lips curl into a smile, he can sense that I enjoy this as much as he does.

"Are you getting on or not?" The lady in the bus yells at me. I pull myself away from Asher and nod.

"See you tonight." I whisper, pecking his lips once more before darting up and into the bus. He waves as my bus drives away, and I sit down on my usual seat, smile big with euphoria.

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