Chapter 29

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"Yes." I tell Freddy, mentally preparing myself. I have absolutely no clue what he's about to say, but my heart is beating rapidly inside my chest.

"Um, well I was talking to Bentley yesterday." He pauses and looks at me. My face hardens and I cross my arms over myself protectively.

"Why were you talking to him?" I ask, genuinely confused.

"Because he reached out to me, but this is besides the point." Freddy runs his fingers through his hair, and my heart stutters slightly. My eyes widen at my response, was it Freddy making me feel this way, or was it the fact that Bentley was being brought up.

"Spit it out then." I say, slightly annoyed.

"Well he wanted to ask me to ask you if you would get a paternity test."

I gulp and place my hand on my stomach. Those words make Freddys face scrunch up in pain, but I know it's not physical, it's because of me. Did he still like me, after everything that I've been through.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Well he said that you're about as far along as you should be if it was his baby."

My heart picks up speed. Freddys right. How many months I am along would only make sense if Asher wasn't the father, and Bentley was. I shake my head and look back up at Freddy.

"Oh my god." I whisper before the world around me starts to spin.

"Are you okay?" Freddy asks me.

"You're spinning, I think I'm fainting." I manage to tell him before I do faint. The last thing I feel is Freddy's arms wrapped around me, and I feel safe.


"She should be up soon sir." I hear someone say, my mind slightly groggy.

"Thank you." It's Freddy. I move, trying to sit up, but all I can manage is to flop around like a fish.

"Freddy." I groan.

"Oh my god, Summer you're awake. How are you feeling?" His cool hand brushes across my forehead and I smile slightly. Maybe my feelings about him hadn't changed at all, and I had just buried them inside.

"Like crap." I answer him honestly giving him a cheesy smile. He laughs, and runs his hand over my forehead again. "That feels nice though."

"What, this?" He does it again and I nod.

"Yeah, that." My eyes frolicked open to see Freddy's face only inches from mine. His hot breath blows across my cheeks, and his eyes stare deep into mine.

"You're so beautiful Summer, I hope you know that."

"Even when I'm fat and growing another human being." I joke. But Freddy doesn't smile. He just presses his lips against mine gently. It's only a whisper of a kiss but my heart soars. Lifting my hand, I clutch his hair and pull him closer and deeper the kiss. My heart has been waiting for this.

A cough comes from the doorway, interrupting us. "I'm sorry, but I wanted to see my girlfriend." As her hisses, stalking over to the hospital bed.

"Asher." I squeak, my cheeks flaming red.

"How are you." He spits, shoving Freddy out of his way. My eyes flicker to Freddy's, sadness fills them. I imagine mine look the exact same.

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