Chapter 15

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The sun shone brightly as I stepped from the building into the school lunch yard. It was mostly empty, because today was hot lunch day, and everyone would receive lunch at the front of the school. But Asher had told me to wait for him here.

"Hey." I say, as he approaches me, putting his backpack down beside mine. "How are you?"

"Great. I'm just wondering how you're holding up." He tilts his head and look into my eyes. "You'd tell me if you're not alright, right?" I nod, pulling out my own lunch.

"I will." I say. We sit there in silence, eating our lunches and looking out onto the empty tables and benches. "What was it you wanted to talk to me about?"

"Oh, I wanted to ask you if you'd want to come to a party that I'm having this Saturday. It's for my birthday." I smile brightly at him.

"Of course I want to come!"

"Thanks Summer. I'm just not sure how many other people will be coming." I bite my lip, thinking.

"Well I could invite some of my friends that I think will like you." I say, looking up to see Asher staring at my lips. I blush and look away from him. "If you don't want me to that's okay too."

"No! Of course I'll take you up on that offer!" He hugs me, catching me off guard. "Thank you Summer." Grabbing his backpack he rushes off, leaving me with my lunch, all alone.

"Hey Summer." I look up.

"Hey Freddy." I whisper taking another bite of my sandwich. Things have gone so astray from my plan at the beginning of the year.

"I couldn't help over hearing about Asher's party. Am I invited?" I take in a breath and look at his face. His warm smile and bright eyes don't make my stomach flip like before. My palms aren't sweating and my head isn't racing with ideas of how to impress him.

"Sure." I say shrugging. Maybe I don't like Freddy anymore. What a relief that would be. "It's on Saturday. But you probably already know that."

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