Chapter 9

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The rest of the school day passes so fast, and soon the last bell rings. I glance back at Benny and give him a smirk. He wiggles his eyebrows, and gathers his stuff.

When he reaches my desk he asks, "would you want to come to my place tonight to watch a movie?" I smile, and blush, my face looking at my shoes.

"Yea." I say, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Great, I'll see you tonight then." He says, smiling huge. He half walks, half skips away. Bringing me to laugh.

"Oh Benny." I sigh, picking up my stuff and walking out of the classroom.
                      Freddy's POV

Yesterday was horrible for me. I show up at my old best friends house. Only to find the girl of my dreams, tangled with him. In know there together, but my want for her was so strong it just broke me. And then today she slapped me because I told Tomika, the one person who can't keep her mouth shut about her best friend. Rubbing my eyes I get up off the bathroom floor, I need to get on with my life.

I walk out just in time to see Summer walk happily out of Mr. Sanderson's Math class. I stop and stare. She looks absolutely gorgeous today,  just like she does every other day. A smile spreads across my face and I wave timidly at her, she shoots me a glare, turns around and walks in the opposite direction.

"Summer." I whisper. Her name sounds like heaven to me, and I imagine her lips would be to. I sigh, and walk out from the bathroom door, and all the way to my locker, only to see  the one and only Bentley waiting.

"Hey Fred......." Bentley starts.

"What do you want dude?" I ask, opening up my locker, and shoving my stuff in.

"I want you to stay away from Summer. You hurt her Freddy." He tells me, arms crossed.

"Well you could hurt her more. Remember what happened to Alicia?" I ask, raising my eyebrow a at him, pulling my backpack and skateboard out.

"Don't talk about her." He hiss at me.

"You ended up getting her in a coma, where they had to let her die." I spit at him trying to shut my locker door. But Bentley held it open, his face glaring at me with pure hatred.

"If you mention any of this to me or Summer, even a hint. I will make sure your fate is the same as Alicia's." He smiles at me.

"Your a sick boy! I doubt Summer would ever love you." I spit, finally slamming the locker door shut.

"Actually, she just told me she loved me earlier Freddy!" Bentley yells at me, walking away. I hit my locker with my fist, and almost start crying. If he hurt Summer in anyway, I would kill him. My new goal set in my brain, I walk off. Slinging my backpack over my shoulder. Summer's mine, and she'll always be mine.

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