Chapter 10

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Warning! Sad chapter!

Gathering my last bit of courage I knock at Benny's door. He opens it right as a gust of wind passes through. My hair blows wildly across my face. I laugh and hurriedly get it off my face.

"Hi Summer!" Benny says, kissing my forehead. I step inside and give him a big smile.

"Hi Benny." I giggle, slipping my shoes off. He grabs my hand a pulls me into a kiss. His hands cupping my face delicately. Wrapping my arms around his neck I lean into the kiss. Benny smiles, and licks my top lip slowly. I open my mouth, and Benny connects our tongues. Putting his hands at my waist he pushes me against the wall, his hands on either side of me.

"Benny." I gasp between kisses. "Benny!" His left hand snakes under my white tank top. "Stop!" But he doesn't, and soon, my shirt is half way off my head. "Stop please!" I scream, as his kisses move from my mouth to my shoulder. Benny flings my shirt to the ground, and I struggle against him, my arms now free. His lips capture mine again, as he slips off his own shirt.

"Mmmmm." He moans and laughs at the same time. Tears slips down my cheeks silently, as he picks me up and tosses me onto the couch.
Freddy's POV

I look up at Bentley's house, where I know Summer is right now. Happily watching a movie. Probably cuddling Benny at this very moment. But something inside me tells me I need to go in there, that somehow Summer needs me. I slowly open the front door a peer in. A white blouse is laying on the floor, along with Bentley's Rock Band shirt. I punch myself mentally, of course their not really watching a movie. I start to back out when I hear a small whimper.

My heart races. This happened with Alicia to. I came into Bentleys house and found her naked, her body bruised a bloody. She ended up in the hospital, only to die a few days later. My mind whirls, if this happened to Summer I wouldn't ever forgive myself. I run to the living room and step into it. Bentley looks up at me and frowns.

"Are you here to ruin the fun again Freddy?" He asks, twirling a blade in his hand.

"Where's Summer?" I ask, stepping into the room further. He smiles at me, and twirls the blade again.

"Why would I tell you. We're having so much fun!" He says. A small whimper comes from the direction of the couch. I run, nearly falling over the rim of the couch. There lays Summer, in her underwear her stomach bruised. My heart breaks. Bentley hurt her, he hurt her. I turn away from Summer, and towards Bentley, who is now slowly walking towards the couch.

"Don't." I tell him, my heart beating fast. He smiles, and takes another step. "Don't touch her." He laughs, and stops walking.

"Oh Freddy. Don't you see, I've already hurt her." A tear slips down my cheek.

"I know." I spit at him. He laughs again. "But if you touch her again then I'll...."

"Then you'll what Freddy? Call the police again. Only to tell them it was an accident, that she fell down the stairs. To protect your best friends identity!"

"That was last time. Not this time."

"Well......." multiple knocks sound at the door. And we freeze. I look at Bentley.

"Looks like you have to go get that." I say, wiping the tear from my face. He glares at me.

"Don't take her anywhere." He hisses, the runs off to get the door. I sigh in relief, but automatically grab the Star Wars blanket I gave to Bentley on his 17 birthday. I gently wrap Summer in it, and pull her into my arms.

"We have to go." I whisper to her, as I go out the other side of the living room. And to the back door. Slipping out, I rush home as fast as I can.

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