Chapter 6

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I bite my lip gently as Benny and I walk down the hallway. The rose he gave me clutched in my hand. My other hand clutched in Benny's. I want to find Freddy and tell him I like him, but then again, I just told Benny I'd be his girlfriend. I sigh, when I planned this I didn't mean for it to go this badly.

"Hey you okay?" Benny asks me, I turn my head, his eyes are filled with worry, and I break.

"No, not really." I huff, stopping to face him completely. Benny frowns slightly, but the leans in and hugs me gently. His embrace is warm and comforting, better than I would have expected it to be. I hug him back and turn my head into his neck. He smells good, and I welcome the smell.

"Hey!" I jump out of Benny's arms and drop my rose. I instantly regret it, because I want to back there, for the next 100 years, but I can't. Glancing up I see that it's Caleb, one of Benny's friends. He's at the other end of the hall, but I can see his giddy look form here.

"What do you want Caleb!" Benny yells at him, walking over to me.

"Just come on!" Caleb yells, motioning for us to follow. Benny looks at me and I shrug. It can't get worse than it is right now, can it? I take bangs hand and follow Caleb down the long hallways of the school.

Every step my anticipation builds, and I walk faster. My heart beats fast, and I blink multiple times in a row. But suddenly I come to a stop. My feet and legs frozen in the spot. I'm terrified at what I see, and I cover my mouth in horror.

"What the hell!" Benny says when he sees my reaction.

"He asked for it." Caleb mutters, kicking Freddy's foot. He's limp and his face bruised and Bloodied. Tears come to my eyes and I turn around, I can't look at it anymore.

"What did he do?" Benny asks. Stepping away from me and towards Caleb.

"He was saying some pretty rude stuff about you and Summer, says that you guys were cute together. But then he said that he was gonna try his best to get his girl back." Caleb says, stepping closer to Bentley.

"Well you coved just hit him once!" Benny says exasperated.

"He was asking for it though!" Caleb repeats, his voice now whinny. The continue to talk but I just block the words out. They hurt Freddy, they hurt him! But not Benny, he was offended by that. Suddenly I turn around to see Caleb's fist connect with Benny's face.

"Stop!" I say, running towards them, but Caleb hits him again, making Benny stumble. but this time Benny goes back and punches  Caleb.

"Stop!" I scream at the top of my lungs. Benny and Caleb stop and turn to face me and my tear stained face. "Why?" I ask them. Benny looks so sorry he could die, but Caleb looks angry.

"He said that because I did that I wasn't his friend an that I didn't deserve to be anywhere near anyone ever again." Then he swung, hitting Benny square in the jaw. Benny fell, hitting the ground with a thump.

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