Chapter 24

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I stare down at the pregnancy test in my hand. It's funny how one sign on a stick can change your life.

"It's going to be okay Summer." Tomika says rubbing my back.

"How is this okay?" I ask, shoving the test in her face. "My mom is going to kill me."

"No she's not! She loves you too much." I nod, and continue staring down at the test. Is the baby Asher's? We had only been together a few times.

"How am I going to tell her?" I ask, finally moving from my seat, and start to pace the room.

"Well Mother's Day is coming up." Tomika laughs, wiggling her eyebrows. "That would be a pretty fantastic way to tell her."

"Yeah. What a great Mother's Day gift that would be. Happy Mother's Day mom, you're going to be a grandma." I roll my eyes and bite my lip. I would have to do it eventually. I can't hide a growing stomach.

"Hey, you're going to be fine Summer." I give her a hug, she has always been here to support me. "You should probably call Asher, and get together with him."

"Yeah, you are right. I just need to jump in without hesitation." I pick up my phone and text Asher to meet me at the park in fifteen minutes. My hands shake but I manage to send the text.

"Bye." Tomika says, giving my arm one last squeeze. "You can do this." I nod and start my walk to the park. This is going to be a long day.

Finally I see Asher's car pull up and him get out. His hair flops over his eyes with the wind. "Hey, what did you want to talk about?" He asks me. I look down at my hand stuffed into my pocket.

"I.." I try, but I can't.

"Are you okay Summer?" He asks me, pulling me into him and gives my forehead a slight peck. I pull my hand out of my pocket and shove the test into his hands. He stares down at them for a while.

"Asher?" Now I'm the one asking the questions.

"How far along do you think you are?" He asks, giving the test back to me.

"About two months." I reply, biting down onto my lip.

"Sh^t." He says, running his hands over his face.

"Yeah." We stand there awkwardly for several moments before he pulls me into him.

"I'm always going to be here for you okay?" I smile big up at him, tears welling up in my eyes.

"Thank you." He smiles back and then kisses me. His lips soft but passionate on mine.

"No problem." I kiss him again. He is such a wonderful man. One that I might be falling for.

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