Chapter 8

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I close my locker and hit my head on it. I ruined everything with Freddy just because I was at Benny's house. Arms wrap around my waist and pull me into them.

"Hey Summer." Benny whispers, rubbing his head in my neck.

"Hey." I say back. Turning around so I can face him. His eyes focus on mine and I smirk.

"What?" He asks, right before I plant my lips on his. Maybe I can't have Freddy, but I can still have him. After all he still likes me. I feel Benny smile on my lips and I bite one gently. He groans softly, and pulls back. I smile shyly at him, my cheeks heating up.

"What changed your mind?" He asks, pecking my lips gently.

"You." I whisper. Wrapping my arms around his neck. He smirks at me then starts walking. I try to stop him, pulling back on his neck.

"Come on we need to get to class." He tells me. I let go and then race him to our class. Stopping in the doorway, when I see Freddy. His face sort of blotchy, and still bruised. I bite my lip and grasp Benny's hand. I walk proudly into the classroom, my head held high. But whispers soon start to circulate. Once I sit in my spot next to Tomika, she looks at me.

"Is it true you went to bed with Bentley?" She asks a sceptical look on her face. I glance around many other students seem to be wanting to hear the answer.

"Is that what everyone's whispering about?" I ask, my confidence faltering.

"So you did?" She counters.

"No." I say bluntly, to her annoyed. She relaxes with a sigh.

"For a second I thought you lost your v-card there." She tells me, a huge smile spread across her face. But there's not one on mine. There is only two people know about Freddy's and I conversation yesterday. Standing abruptly I stalk over to Freddy's desk, where he stares up at me.

"Did you or did you not spread the rounded that I had sex with Benny?" I ask him, all the whispers cease in the room. He gulps. "Did you?"

"Yes." He whispers. A surprise look fills my face, but it soon turns to hurt. I slap him across the face, my hand stinging from the connection. He winces but looks straight at me. "I know you did."

"We didn't." I spit at him, my palms on his desk.


"We didn't." Benny says from behind me, his hand rating on my shoulder. "We had a nap together, that's what couples do right?" He says to Freddy. Freddy nods sadly. I glare at him, as Benny walks me from the room.

"I hate you!" I scream as I exit. But as soon as we're out, tears start down my face.

"Look Summer." Benny says, grasping my hand. "I know that your still in love with Freddy....."

"Don't say it, because I'm not after this." I hiss, clutching Benny's hand like a lifeline. He looks at me apologetically, but pulls me into a hug.

"Look, I love you Summer." He says to me. I gasp in the crook of his neck.

"I love you to." I say without hesitating.

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