Chapter 30

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"I'm feeling better." I croak, bringing my eyes back to Asher.

"I'm glad." He presses a gentle kiss to my forehead, calming himself down. "I'm sorry this F*ck forced himself on you."

My eyes tighten and I take a deep breath prepared to tell Asher that I wanted Freddy to kiss me almost as badly as He wanted to. But no words come out of my mouth and my eyes flash over to Freddy. My breathing becomes shallow, I'm panicking, and not even for a really big reason.

"Summer calm down." Asher tries to comfort me, but I reach for Freddy's hand and he grabs it. My heart instantly slows and I can breath. Freddy has calmed me not Asher. Anger flashes across his eyes as he takes in our linked hands.

"Asher." I begin, but he holds up his hand and sighs.

"It's fine. I always knew you'd leave me for him eventually." I can see tears welling up in his eyes. "I just wanted to believe you could be mine, especially after the past few months we've had together."

My breath hiccups and I lean forward to pull Asher into a hug, he doesn't fight me. "I'm so sorry." I mumble into his neck. He doesn't respond, but just rubs circles across my back.

"Goodbye Summer, I love you." And with that he exits the room, leaving me with A stunned Freddy.


Two moths later

"Freddy!" I yell. "Come here now!" I hear rushed footsteps running down the stairs before I see the most handsome man ever round the corner.

"What is it, what's wrong?" His voice is panicked, eyes wide. I giggle and he shoots me a glare. "Not funny Summer."

"I just wanted to know if you wanted to feel him kick." I say resting a hand on my now swollen belly. I look like a whale in my opinion, but Freddy says I'm gorgeous.

Freddy nods his response and then walks almost solemnly to my side and gently sits down on the couch. His hand slowly reaches out and caresses my belly. His breath hitches as we both feel my son kick.

"That's amazing." His voice is just barley a whisper. I lift my hand to cup his jaw and bring his face level with mine. My lips press against his, and I slowly melt into our kiss. This is amazing. I finally feel right and whole here with Freddy and my yet to be born son.

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