Chapter 5

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Slipping my beanie over my curled hair, I slam my locker closed. Last night didn't end very well. I ended up jumping at every little thing, and snuggled with Benny the whole time.

"Hey Summer!" I jump, my heart skipping a beat.

"Gosh Benny you scared me!" I tell him holding my hand over my heart. Benny smiles and winks, as I continue to catch my breath.

"That's what I'm good at." Benny whispers pulling me into him, his arm wrapped around my shoulders.

"It's not funny I'm still deathly scared of everything." I tell Benny, playfully smacking his arm. He winces and motions for his buddies. They surround us and I eye them cautiously.

"Benny?" I ask him, my heart beating faster. Everyone takes a step in, and I step back. They do it again, but this time my back hits the locker. What are they trying to do, Benny's scaring me. My eyes shut and I breath deeply, when I open them Benny's face is right in mine.

"Hey love." Benny whispers in my face, I flinch in fear. Benny's hand travels down my arm, his finger tip tickling my skin.

"Benny?" I ask again, my voice shaking.

"Will you be my girlfriend Summer?" Benny suddenly asks, his other hand coming from around his back, holding a rose. I gasp, my fear disappearing. No ones ever asked me that question, ever. Slowly I smile, and genuinely to, I haven't smile for real in years.

"Of course I will Benny!" I scream, jumping into his arms. His arms wrap around my back and he lifts me off the ground. When my feet finally touch again, Benny's buddies have parted and Freddy stands still in horror at what he just saw.

"I hate you Bentley!" Freddy hisses at Benny, flinging his rose to the ground. I stare at it in disbelief. Was Freddy gonna ask me out? I walk away from Benny and look down the hallway, but Freddy is now where. Where did he go?

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