Chapter 12

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I trail behind Freddy as we enter the school on Monday. His face set in determination, I knew there was nothing I could do. My fingers fiddle with the grey cardigan I'm wearing, a sign of weakness. Freddy's strides are big, and fast. And him being quite a bit taller than me makes it difficult for me to keep up, but I do.

I look at Freddy. And my mind races back to yesterday. His face was pure anger for several minutes. Until I tired to get out of bed to calm him.

"Summer." He said gently scooping me up in his arms and placing me back into the fluffy blankets.

"Freddy." I replied, more sternly, not wanting to be put back into bed. But he did anyway. He say gently on the edge of my bed and stared at me for several long moments. Until all the anger in his face had flooded away and was replaced by worry and hurt.

"I'm so sorry." He said, before he left the room, to call my mom. Tears fell down my cheeks as I curled into myself.

Bang. I jumped out of the memory as Freddy hit a locker with his fist. quickly wiping the tears from my cheeks I turned to face Benny. Reading his face I could tell he was just as startled as I was.

"What do you want." Benny hissed, quickly recovering.

"For you to damn well stop being so selfish and get your butt out of town." I stared in surprise at Freddy's tone of voice and how loud it was.

"Why would I want to leave, I have that beautiful girl right there." He replied Cooley gesturing to me. I glared at him. His cover of calmness fell for a split second but he recover fast.

"No you don't, not after what you did!" Freddy yelled, punching the locker again.

"Well it's not like she would've told you, so you don't know what really happened, you only know a fraction. Besides you really think that you want to spell out for this crowd what happened to your sweet girl. Because I doubt that she'll ever forgive you if you did."

I looked at the crowd that now had us trapped. Glancing back to Freddy I saw he was looking at me, his eyes asking for permission. Nodding I brace myself for the scandal that would follow.

"She told me Bentley, she told me." Benny's eyes darted to mine in surprise. I nodded my head in confirmation. Benny took a step back, bumping into the nearest kid. Benny
now realizing the stakes of the situation, desperately ran around the edge of the semi circle looking for a way out.

"What did he do?" A timid voice from the audience piped up. A second followed, then a third and a forth.

"Don't do it Freddy." Benny warned Freddy falsely.

"Bentley not only abused Summer, but Raped her." The crowd silenced, just before Benny was pulled into the throng of people.

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