Chapter 14

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I fiddle with my phone case, as my English teacher riddles off another one of her stories at the front of the classroom. Most of the time I'm engaged, the adventure and unknown keeping my attention. But today, I can't help but notice Asher from the corner of my eye. His black hair shining in the sunlight.

He was so nice to me yesterday, even though no one should want to be near me now. Even if he only wanted to be my friend I would take it.

"Summer, would you mind re-joining the class?" I look up, startled. To see Ms. Jackson staring at me, arms crossed. I gulp, and absently glance over at Asher. His hazel eyes are burning into my skin, and I blush when he smiles at me.

"Sorry Ms. Jackson." I apologize, placing my phone down onto my lap.

"Thank you Summer." She says, giving me a quick smile and then continues on with her story. My phone buzzes with a text, vibrating on my lap. I look down and see Asher's name flashing across the screen. Underneath are the words, you look so beautiful when your panicked. It makes your cheeks flush, and your eyes light up.

I bite my lip and look back up at him, his eyes staring into mine. I smile at him, cheeks flushing. He smirks and then looks back at his phone. Meet me outside at lunch, I want to talk to you. He texts me. I nod to him, letting him know I'll be there.


"Summer! Can I talk to you?" Ms. Jackson asks me after class. I look over to Asher, who raises his eyebrow.

"Yes." I tell her, moving out of the way of the stream of students exiting the classroom.

"You're such a good student." She tells me after everyone has left the room, leaving the room in an eerie emptiness. "And even though you've gone through some pretty horrible things, you still need to pay attention in class. I have no sympathy for those who slack on their grades."

"I understand." I say giving her a tight smile. "It won't happen again."

"Thank you Summer. You may go now." I leave her room, head hanging. Before today I thought out of all my teachers she would be the most understanding. But I guess I was wrong.

Taking a left in the hallways, I walk through the states and the whispers. I know what they are all talking about. Bentley and me. I wish they wouldn't all look at me. I wasn't used being pitied, I was used to being envied.

"Excuse me." I mutter as I pass a group of girls, girls all giving me sympathetic glances. They move for me, but I can feel their eyes on me as I leave the hallway. I wish I could just reverse things and go back to the way things were.

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