Chapter 11

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A small shudder runs through my body, making my shift underneath the blankets. I hear a soft gasp, and a sudden shuffle of a chair. My eyes flutter open, slowly adjusting to the brightness. "Freddy." I rasp, with my very sick sounding voice.

"Shh, don't talk." He says tucking a piece of loose hair behind my ear.  I listen and pull the blankets up closer to my face, covering everything except for my head in warmth. I look at him, and give him a small smile. He smiles back and gets up out of his chair and exits the room.

"Where am I?" I ask myself as I study my surroundings. Rubbing two threads from the blanket between my fingers I try to sit up. My whole body screams with pain and gasping I lay back down.

"Summer! Would you like some tea?" Freddy shouts from down the hall.

"Yes!" I tell him, adjusting myself int he bed. As I try to remember why I'm so sore and in Freddy's house, the memories of the night before cane flooding back. I wince at them, and feel a tear slip down my cheek.

"Are you going to be okay?" Freddy asks when he renters with steaming cups of tea.

"Yes. But some parts of me are gone forever." I hiccup through my tears. Freddy looks at me and then down with a grim look.

"What exactly happened?" He asks me, handing me the cup he's holding in his hands. I take the cup and look down at it, swirling the liquid inside around. "If I'm aloud to ask." He says after seeing my face.

"Well, he punched and kicked me." I tell him taking a small sip of the strawberry tasting liquid.

"Is that it?" Freddy asks, putting his hand on my thigh. I flinch and then look at Freddy. His face is so handsome and sweet, his eyes filled with an innocence that hasn't been broken.

"No." I mumble, taking another sip. Freddy removes his hand from my thigh and stands up, pacing the room.

"What's did he do?" He asks, stopping his pacing to look at me. I gulp, and take another sip of my tea. "Summer?" He asks walking closer, as I take yet another sip. Each sip getting harder and hardest to swallow.

"Please." I cry, a another tear slipping down my cheek.

"Summer, what did Bentley do?" His voice raises, and clenches his fists. I put down my drink on the table and sit up, my muscles screaming.

"He, he." I stumble on my words, trying to get them to come out.

"Summer!" Freddy is now screaming at me. I look up at him, and start bawling. His countenance changes, and he clams, concern filling his face. He grabs me and pulls me into an hug, stroking my hair until I am calmed.

"He took my virginity." I manage to get out in the middle of our hug. Slowly Freddy backs up and looks me dead in the eyes.

"He what?" He says infuriated.

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