Chapter 2

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     I strut into the classroom, making sure that I look good. Smiling, I wink at one guy in the back. His name is, uh, I don't remember it. I walk down the isle to my seat, and plop down. Then looking to my right I smirk a the boy.

     "What's your name?" I ask bitting my lip.

      "It's Bentley, but you can call me Benny." He says, smirking back at me. I glance down at his leather jacket and chains. He looks popular, this is good.

       "Summer Hathaway." I whisper, standing up, making sure I look hot.

       "I know." He says, moving his chair back. I giggle and sit down on his lap.

       "You're so handsome." I tell him, running my hands through his hair.

        "Thanks!" Benny says surprised. I smile and turn back to the front. And there's Freddy, he looks shocked at the sight of me on Bentley's lap. I smirk at him, and blow another bubble.

        "Summer!" Freddy hisses at me when he takes his seat in front of Benny.

         "Freddy!" I say, putting my arm around Benny's neck. "This is Benny!" I say cheerfully, bitting my lip. Freddy blushes at us, but nods.

          "Hello Benny." Freddy's says politely. I die, one of my weak spots is politeness, and Freddy was perfect just now.

            "Hello Freddy." Benny sneers at Freddy, his eyes checking him out. Apparently Benny takes Freddy as competition for me. I giggle and both boys look at me.

           "What's so funny?" Freddy asks, looking confused.

           "Oh nothing." I sigh and get of Benny's lap and move to my desk.

           "Hey can you go out later with me Summer?" Freddy asks, his eyes hopeful. Glancing at Benny I see he doesn't look that happy.

           "Sorry Freddy, but I promised Benny I would hang out." I lie, winking at Benny. He smirks at me then Freddy. Freddy looks shocked, and I smile at him.

            "But Benny's not even your type!" Freddy yells.

            "Don't tell me what my type is or not!" I yell back, my voice trembling. I never wanted to yell at Freddy, and almost every time I do I almost cry.

             "And don't call me Benny, call me Bentley!" Benny says, glaring at Freddy. I see Freddy gulp and nod, then turn back to the front of the classroom.

           "So. I guess we're hanging out today then." Benny says. I nod.

           "Yes Benny, yes we are."

Hey guys second chapter!!! Hope you guys are enjoying this book so far. Comment if you want to, it means a lot to hear from you guys.

- Fremmer_Alltheway

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