Chapter 28

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We walk into the math classroom together, hand in hand. And as soon as I'm one step inside the door, Tomika sees me.

"Summer!" She shouts, and gives me one of the biggest smiles I've seen. "How are you?"

"I'm great." I smile back as I take the seat beside her. Asher sits across the aisle, and gives me a wink.

"That's good to hear. Don't want you to fizzle out on me here." I laugh, and place a hand on my stomach, trying not to draw any attention to my actions. But Tomika still notices, and gives me a sideways glance. "You sure you're good?"

I nod, but then pause and whisper, "just worried about how he's doing." I nod my head down to my stomach.

"Ah." Well its good that you're worried, it means that you have motherly instincts." She giggles but I don't, I bite my lip and look down.

"I'm sorry." She says to me, her hand on mine, giving it a slight squeeze.

"It's fine, it's just weird to think that I'm going to be a mom."

"Yeah same. I always thought we'd have our first babies together when we were happily married to rich men, living in the upper class part of town. But not anymore." I give Tomika a side glance, I don't know if she realizes that that's what I wanted too. I never meant to do anything else, but here I am. A small pang of hurt flows through my heart.

"Sorry." I grumble, Turing to the front of the classroom as the teacher walks in.

"Ah! Good morning class, nice to see you all on this fine Wednesday morning." I can see Tomika looking at me from the corner of my eye. But I don't look over to her. All I know, is that this is not the Wednesday morning I had pictured.


After school

I'm just about to close my locker when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I spin and throw my arms around Asher. "Hey! How was the rest of your day?" But there's no response. So I pull back from the hug and see that it's not Asher at all. It's Freddy.

"Hey Summer, can I talk to you please?"

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