Chapter 26

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"I'm so nervous." I breath, looking over at Asher. He nods, and visibly gulps, this is very big for both of us. I look back at the building. It's a three story building with lots of windows at the front end making it look like a big glass mirror. The rest of the building is made of cream coloured bricks and bushes and vines line the rim of it.

"Okay, lets go in." I say, opening the door and stepping out onto the hot pavement. It's the middle of the day and the sun is beating down hard, making my sweat worsen. Asher follows me into the building and into the air conditioning. The walls are a pale grey and have pictures of pregnant women on the wall behind the front desk. Multiple women fill the seats in the room, some with huge bellies. That isn't me, not yet anyways. I look down at my stomach, at this point I look almost exactly the same as I did when I wasn't pregnant, only it looks like I've gained a few pounds.

"Hi, um." I start, I glance at Asher and he gives my hand a squeeze. "I'm here for an appointment." The lady at the front desk looks up and gives me a smile.

"Sure, what's your name dear?" Her voice is warm and kind, and that gives me the courage to keep speaking.

"Summer Hathaway." I say, this time I squeeze Asher's hand.

"Okay, it'll be a five minute wait, you can just sit down over there while you wait."

"Thank you." Asher says, following after me into the maze of chairs. I can feel the eyes of many of the people there, and I know why. They're judging me, especially since I'm so young. They don't understand that this was never planned, and that we had taken every precaution and that we were the very unlucky few who ended up pregnant. We sit there for about ten minutes a little longer than I would've liked, with all the stares and looks I'm getting. But finally we get called in,

"Hello, Summer." The doctor opens the door and comes in. I smile, she looks very friendly.

"Hi!" I say, smiling back.

"Would we be able to get you on this table?" I nod and get on. The prep takes several minutes and by the time it's all done, I'm ready to see my baby.

"This will be a little cold." I gulp, and take in a breath as she puts the gel on my exposed stomach. It is a little chilly but I adjust fast. And then she presses the camera into my stomach. And after a few moments I see my baby.

"Oh my god." I whisper. I can see the baby on the screen across from me. That's my baby, growing inside of me. I look over at Asher and see that his eyes are open in awe.

"Would you like to know the gender?" I nod, gathering my breath. I want to know.

"Your having a," she hesitates rolling the camera to the side a bit. "Ah there we go."

"What is it?" Asher asks, squeezing my hand.

"You're having a boy."

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