Chapter 1

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     "Summer?" Freddy asks, his hand on my shoulder. Rolling my eyes I hold me finger up to Tomika, telling her I just need a minute.

     "Freddy!" I say with fake sweetness. Ugh he's so cute, I just want to kiss him.

      "I just wanted to tell you look good today." He tells me, blushing. I fight the urge to give him a hug. Blowing a bubble I pop it with my teeth.

       "Whatever." I say, tucking a piece of hair that fell out of bun back. Freddy's face falls, and feel so guilty. But I can't stop the act now. I need to make him want me so much, he can't live without me. I start to turn back to Tomika when Freddy grabs my shoulder.

        "What happened to that Summer that was so in love with me?" Freddy begs me, his face hurt. I huff, and shrug his hand off my shoulder.

         "Nothing happened to her, she just changed." I tell him, blowing and popping another bubble.

         "Well I like you now, and I want you to know that." He tells me, clasping his hands together. He walks away, turning back to look at me one more time.

        "Wow." Tomika gasps, as I turn back to her. "Your act worked!" She screams.

        "Shhh!" I whisper, pushing my finger to my lips to demonstrate. "No one can know that I still like Freddy. Because if they did, I might as well just give up now."

         "True." Tomika huffs, folding her arms. "But Freddy already likes you, why can't you tell him that you still like him?"

         "Because he needs to work for me. I tried so hard for him, and he needs to do the same." I point out, my hands in the air.

          "Fine!" Tomika yells. "I give up helping you!" I roll my eyes and follow her down the hallways, to our classroom.

Hey guys!! It's my new Book!!!! Yay! I hope you liked the first chapter!

- Fremmer_Alltheway

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