Chapter 21

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A steady beam of sunlight shines through the blinds, illuminating the room with a dull glow. Asher's hand is around my waist, underneath the blankets. My euphoria from last night still tingles in my body, but my body pressed against his makes my heart beat fast. Last night it was dark in his room, what will he think now?

"Good morning." Asher whispers, pressing a kiss to the back of my neck.

"Morning." I say, and roll over to face him. His eyes are slightly open, blinking in the light.

"So gorgeous." He whispers, and I smile. And give him a quick peck on the lips, and roll out of bed. With the sheets wrapped around my naked body, I run to the bathroom. Leaving Asher on the bed with nothing, laughing his head of. The hot water in the shower runs over my body, washing the slight soreness I feel between my legs. And when I finally emerge from the bathroom wearing his biggest shirt and smallest sweatpants, he is waiting there for me, arms wide open.

"You okay?" He asks. I nod and sit down on his lap, and let his embrace comfort me.

"Just a little sore." I say truthfully.

"Sorry." Asher tells me, giving my forehead a lingering kiss. I smile and give him a tight squeeze before standing up.

"Come on I got to go home before we go to the game." I remind him. He laughs and flows me out of the house. We talk and laugh all the way to my house, holding hands with Asher. When we finally leave I'm wearing my favourite outfit, and I'm pumped for the football game. It'll be my first game that I'll go to with a boyfriend. The crowd is already crazy when we sit down, near the back of the stands. The football players already run up and down the field.

I watch the game, with a big smile painted on my face. I love the school spirit here. Now one is staring at me, no one notices me really. Except Asher who watches me with love. Our hands are intertwined on my lap. I know he doesn't love watching football, he's here to let me have fun.

"That was so fun!" I say after the game is done, jumping up and down through the front of the field.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." Asher says, giving me a kiss. "I have to go to the bathroom, wait for me here?" I nod and smile as I watch him walk away from me.

"Hey." Someone says. I startle and turn around. And there stands Freddy, sweat dripping down his forehead, football jersey covers on grass stains. My smile falls my face.

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