Chapter 17

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"It's your turn to spin the bottle Ash!" A girl named Bella giggles from across the couch. We had been playing spin the bottle for a total of one minute and she was already determined to kiss Asher. I look up at him, his eyes are already on mine.

"Okay." He says, and spins the bottle. My hands crunched under me are crossed hoping he doesn't get anyone but me, or himself. The bottle comes to a stop resting on Freddy.

"Great." Mutters Freddy. "I hate him." I roll my eyes and lean back for the two of them. They glare as the look across me.

"Just a peck." Asher says.

"Obviously." Freddy hisses. They kiss, for a split second but everyone around us goes wild. Cheering and clapping. I giggle and reach out to the table and spin the bottle. In a normal game my heart wouldn't be racing this much, but it was pounding in my chest. I close my eyes, waiting. The moment seems to drag on for hours. And then everyone starts to giggle. I peer out of my hands. The bottle has landed on me. And now it's my decision who I want to kiss.

"Umm." I whisper, turning towards Asher. But he isn't looking at me, he is looking down at his lap. "Asher." I whisper to him. He doesn't respond, and just keeps looking down at his hands.

"I'll just spin the bottle again." I say, turning the bottle around. It spins, but this time I don't have any nerves just anticipation.

"Hey!" Freddy laughs when it lands on him. I bite my lip and look back over to Asher. He is still caught up looking at his hands. Oh well, I guess no ones going to save me from this. I sit forward and press my lips to Freddy's. His lips are soft and warm, but I don't feel the zing that I thought I would for so many years. I hold the kiss, not wanting to make Freddy feel bad, but his hand cups my cheek and I pull away .

"That was nice." He says huskily. I nod, but stay quite. Somewhere inside of me, there is a part of my soul wondering why I didn't enjoy Freddy's kiss as much as I should've. When I look over to Asher I realize that he's not staring at his hands anymore. But at me, with a hunger in his eyes.

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