Final Chapter

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                                   Six years later

"Alex, come now. The babysitter is here." I yell down the hall to my sons room. It only takes seconds before he is running down the hall towards the kitchen. The little blonde haired boy smiles brightly up at me, his two front teeth missing.

"Mom." He says, hugging me. "Do you have to go?"

"Yes I do cutie, Freddy is almost here."

"Okay." He whines, but steps away from me to look at his babysitter.

"By Tomika, thanks again." She just nods and waves her hand at the door.

"No problem, just make sure that there aren't any more little Freddy's coming along soon okay?" I laugh and close the door behind me.


"Summer, I need to ask you something." Freddy says suddenly, making me look up from my pasta.

"Yeah?" I ask, my voice wavering. If this is going where I hope it is, I wouldn't be his girlfriend for much longer. It's been six years of us going strong, and I want more now. I'm ready for more with him.

Freddy shuffles our of his seat and gets down on his knee. "Summer, I know that we had a rough start to this relationship of ours. But I know right now that I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You and Alex." My eyes start to tear up, and I hastily blink my eyes to get rid of them. Freddy beams up at me and I give him a light laugh. "Summer Hathaway, will you marry me?"

"Yes, yes yes!" I scream, grabbing him and pulling him into me. His arms fold neatly around me and I burry my head into his shoulder.

"I love you." Freddy whispers into my ear.

"And I love you."

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