Chapter 7

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I sit by Benny's bed while he sleeps. He wasn't injured badly, but he was hurt. I left Freddy at the school with Tomika which makes my gut hurt. I know that I love him but, I also have Benny. I might not like him, but he is sweet.

"Summer?" Benny moans, sitting up. I rush over, my bare feet slapping on he tile floor.

"Benny!" I say, hugging him, my worries rushing away, he's okay. I feel pressure across my back, and I know he's hugging me to. "Are you okay?" I ask into his neck.

"Yeah, but I have a bad headache. That dude hit me hard." He says, and I smile, piling back.

"You know, I was scared, right?" I ask him, my hand resting on his lap. He nods, and then gulps. He leans in his eyes closed. I look at him and then I turn my head, and he gently kisses my cheek. Then he kissed my shoulder and rests his head there.

"Sorry." I mumble. My cheeks hot with embarrassment.

"It's okay. I understand." He says. I smile and rest my head on his. I know that I can't kiss Benny because I still like Freddy. And in that second I know that I want my first kiss to be with Freddy just like I've always planned. Not with someone that I'm using. And then my gut lurches. I'm using Benny, and he thinks that I'm in love with him.

I think about that for several minutes, our heads resting on each other. Then a year slips down my cheek, then another, and soon they don't stop. Benny come up from my shoulder and looks me in the eyes. Then kisses my forehead and draws me in.

"I'm okay now Summer." He says, playing with one of my braids. My tears stream harder, and he thinks I'm crying because of him.

Gentle pressure holds my waist, and something is pressed against my back. I open my eyes with a start, and look at my surroundings. It's Benny's room, and the pressure on my waist is Benny's arm.

"Benny." I whisper, bugging his arm. He groans holds me tighter. "Benny!" I say again.

"Don't move." I stay still, listening to our breathing. "I'm enjoying this moment." And it's true, I am to. Because for the first time in a long time I feel loved by someone. And something stirs within me.

"Okay Benny, you had your cuddle, it's time for me to go now." I say, as I slip out of his arms. He groans and I laugh, as I pad over to his mirror. I look like I just had a huge nap, or I was in bed with someone. I blush at the idea and turn away from the mirror. But then I see Benny. He's watching me with interest.

"What?" I ask, tucking my tank top back in.

"Just thinking about how beautiful you look." I giggle and go and sit on the bed.

"I look like I just slept with you." I say, but then blush at my comment. Benny laughs at me, sitting up.

"Well technically you did." He hints, wiggling his eye brows. I smack his arm, and run out of the room. Benny following closely behind me. I slip on my shoes and go for the door when Benny pulls me into him and kisses my shoulder, my tank top strap slipping down. Then sun light floods the entryway and I look up to see Freddy. He looks stunned.

"Um, wow, I." He stumbles on his words.

"I'll take that." Benny says taking a bag of three eggs from Freddy. "My Mom will be wanting these." He says, walking off to find her. I face Freddy, and blush.

"Hey." I say, trying to stay calm. "I'm sorry about what happened I say. Trying to look like I don't really care, because I fact my act is still in play.

"Hope you enjoyed Benny's bed, lots of girls seem to." He spits, then storms off. I gape at him, my heart snapping.

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