Chapter 16

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"Are you sure that I look good?" I ask, pushing my curled hair behind my ears.

Tomika rolls her eyes at me, and grabs my shoulders. "You always look amazing! What's the big deal anyways? It's just Asher's party." My cheeks heat up, and I tip my head down.

"I don't know." I say, trying to hide my embarrassment from Tomika.

"Do you like Asher?" I'm silent, and Tomika starts to shake my shoulders. "You like Asher!"

"Well he was really nice to me last week." I nibble on my lip and grab my purse from the table beside me. "That's all."

"Uh hu, sure." Tomika walks out of my room while I look in the mirror one more time. Why was I fussing in the first place. It's not like I think Asher is cute. But as soon as that thought passes through my head I know it's not true.

At the party...

"Hey welcome!" Asher smiles, swinging the door wide open. "I thought you'd forgot or something."

"We're sorry about that. Summer got a little caught up in the mirror." Tomika mumbles, and pushes her way inside, already looking for the food. I laugh, and Asher joins me.

"Come on in Summer." He says, gesturing inside. I shyly smile and slip past him and into his cozy house. "Thanks by the way, for inviting all these people."

"No problem." I knew that they'd only come become the 'girl who got raped' asked. "Anyways, how are you?" I ask uncomfortably.

"Pretty good." He smiles at me, and then mutters something under his breath. I narrow my eyes but continue to walk with him. "You?"

"Alright." I tell him the truth. "Still getting used to all the pity stares."

"I hope I'm not one of the people giving you one." I shake my head. "Good, please tell me if I am."

"I will." Then someone calls Asher's name and he disappears leaving me alone in the hallway. I stand there in silence for a while looking at the art on the wall as well as the many family photos. Asher is an only child from what it looks like, something he hasn't brought up before.

"Nice purse." I hear Freddy say, and I turn around. "Hey."

"You actually came!" I say, surprised. Walking down the hall to the living room.

"Yeah, well I wanted to make sure you're okay." I roll my eyes.

"Freddy, I don't need to be looked after every second of the day. I'm grateful for what you've done for me, but that doesn't mean I need to be babied." Freddy nods.

"Okay, that fine. I don't want to annoy you." I smile, and wave at him to follow me.

"Lets go mingle." I laugh.

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