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A lot of people ask Corina what her power would be if she could have one. She had never answered for it always seemed so silly for her to answer such a question.

Though, one day while sick, she noticed things... Strange things. When someone talked to her, she didn't hear the words they spoke, but the words they meant.

"I hate my life, I want to die... I really should be going to the bathroom so I can hurt myself again." Lena told her, though she smiled and her lips still moved.

"Lena... Are you really alright?" Corina asked her, now concerned for her friend even though she wasn't the one sick.

"No." Her voice said, though she mouthed yes.

"Well, I have to go." Her friend said, the words finally matching her lips. 

Being confused, the girl thought she was just imagining it... If only. 

Even when she had gotten better, she couldn't hear everything over the loudness of the people around her. Everything seemed to be talking at once. Most of the words were cruel and hatful. Other words were sweet and gentle. 

It was driving the woman made, that she started to go to school and outside places less and less. Until, she decided that it was enough. 

"Hey, Tara." She said to the shy girl. The only person that didn't speak to loudly. 

"You hear them too?" The other girl bluntly asked, looking at the other people in the hall. 


"You going absent, and not going any where social able is very strange for someone like you... Do you hear what the others say? What they truly mean to say?" She asked again, now looking into the brown eyed woman. 

A pause came from Corina. All the words that were heard from the other people never matched what their lips were saying. Also it turned out that what they said was what they truly felt. It... was weird... She could even, without saying a word, change how they were thinking.

"Yes... Can you?" The brown eyed woman whispered to the other. 

"No... But I know of others like us..." She too spoke softly. 

"You're not like me? Then how is there an us?" She questioned.

"There are more than one type of power... And there is more than one type of meaning." The girl riddled.

This was on the girl's mind for days, she barley was able to pay attention to the teachers and her 'friends'. That was when it had hit her.

"Not every mind is the same as the way is always different as well." She answered Tara, who only smiled.

"It took you less time to find the answer than others." The green eyed girl told Corina. With that, the smaller one motioned for her to follow. 

For a few minutes, there was only silence, not that either minded. It for some reason felt... Peaceful to have something like this. 

"This is here." She said suddenly as the two reached the center of an old meadow. 

Corina felt at peace once again, that no one can hurt her... That she is normal.

"We all are different." A male voice sounded from the shadows. 

He stepped out of them, his entirely black eyes boring into her brown ones.

"We have something that stands out against all others." A female voice said. Stepping out of the forest, a girl with deer antlers were sitting on her head as she wore a green, dirty dress. 

"I see this..." Corina told them, not exactly feeling threatened by the.

"No need to worry about them. They won't hurt you if you don't hurt them." Two male voices said together.

Turning around, the brown eyed girl was meet with the sight of the other two new kids walking side by side. They were known to get into trouble together. Many think that they are twins, despite not looking like twins. 

"I don't mean any harm." She says to them as they all form a small circle around her. 

"Here is where we can be us. I hope you do not use it for silly parties. Only those that can come through is ones like you and I." Tara tells as she looks at Corina to make sure she is listening. 

"I promise." The woman tells the other. 

After that was done, the woman  taught herself control on her powers of the mind. She could read thoughts, she could move objects, she could even manipulate nature, though she doesn't try to do that. That is the specialty of Hera. 

One day though... She fell in love. Because of this love, she was blinded by his words not his thoughts. 

His thoughts were so impure and deathly that it was only a matter of time before she knew what was going on in the end. 

"I love you." He whispered to her as he was about to give her a sweet kiss on the lips. 

"I can't wait to have sex with you." She heard, her power finally breaking free of her bound. 

Before his filth lips could reach hers, she backed away. She held an angered look. She could not believe this! 

"You're a liar... You don't deserve to use those words. Those words belong to those that speak of truth!" She yelled in anger, her power building. 

The man looked confused as he never saw this side of her. He had always known her as sweet and gentle. She could barely hurt a fly!

But here she was, huffing and puffing. She looked as though she could kill if she could. 

"Thoughts, always speak of truth. The mouth speaks of the lies." 

The man looked more confused as he backed away slowly. That was when he stopped. He couldn't move... He couldn't think straight. So many thoughts went through his head. So many commands. Some his and others not. 

"Stop..." HE whispered, looking into the eyes of his now demon. "Stop!" He cried, falling to his knees as the pain in his head was becoming greater than anything in a matter of seconds.

"Stop? I read your head. You little-" She stopped as someone, or someone's, placed their hands on her shoulders. They told her to stop, that he will stop. 

Sighing angrily, she let him go from her cage.

"Never lie of your love again, or I'll find you." She warned as she used her mind to pick him up and throw him away from her. 

"Calm down, Corina... He now knows..." Keven says first. 

"Your eyes now sparkle blue, Corina. A new life awaits you with us." Gavin told her next, a mirror appearing in his hand. 

He handed it to her as she stared at them with confused looks. Once she looked into the smooth surface, she gasped. 

Her once brown eyes were now an icy, eclectic blue. She had read from the ancient books, that this is a symbol for a new, better life than the one she has. A smile bore her lips on the thought of being with her friends. With her people. 

"I accept." 

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