The sphercal object had dark blue seas. You couldn't see the bottom of them, but the shine of the glow crystals do help. The main land was a pink color. This was where the food was made.
The lands to the south were just a nest of volcanoes. On the moutains of death, were villages of humans. They had dark colored skin with fire or lava as hair.
There were bright green lands to the east area. The humans there builded the weapons and tools of everyday liffe. All of these men and women had short hair, the color of dirt. Their hands, however, were wrapped in thick green and white vines.
In the north, laid a land of the Ice people. They wore thick clothing and had seemingly nothing speical to them. That was until they were in the dark waters. In them, these people find blue pearls, red silver, green gold, and all sorts of magik crystals.
There there were the Sky people. They lived in the Westeren Moutains, they helped with delivering the food and supplies with ease. The winged men and women were known to be spirital people, and that they were given wings as a gift from the creators.
This was Earth.
Book of Random Ideas
RandomThis is a book where i just write a little bit of a story. It just is to keep me from going insane. Please read and vote on what you like.