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[All Patrick]

"I think you're gonna like Pete" my mom said shoving things into the fridge. I focused on my book trying to avoid her. She was always drunk, she was drunk right now. "He seems so nice, and you love his band right? Fall Out Boy?"

"Their lead singer isn't great, but yes, the lyrics Pete writes are fairly good" I mumbled. I picked my pencil up and wrote down a quote from the book I liked in my notebook. I looked back up at my book and kept reading.

"Will you at least try to be, I don't know, normal? Not a book worm?" she asked.

"I have a lot of college stuff to do mom" I mumbled "Please leave me be"

"You have four more months to do that!" she complained.

"I don't like people mother" I said writing down another quote.

"You're always doing that, writing down stuff from books, ever since you were thirteen, I just don't understand" She groaned "Can't you be normal for once!? Just, be fucking social, or, I don't know, get a girlfriend" I raised my eyebrows when she took a drag of her cigarette.

"Mother, for the last time, I'm gay" I said in annoyance.

"Just a phase, you've never been with a girl, how can you be gay?" she asked. I rolled my eyes at her. The doorbell rang.

"I'm going upstairs"

"No, you do that and I shut your phone off" she said. I groaned and looked back at my book. I was so ready to move out. 21 and on my last semester of college. My aunt Jenn was about 29, her parents had her late in life. And her fiancé was apparently 25. That's unusual, my aunts been married four times, all to old, rich, white men. Notice the 'rich' part. She marries men for money. "Jenn! Pete!" my mom said happily "Come inside!" I wrote down another quote "Jenn I'll help with the bags" I heard footsteps stomp. I looked up at Pete Wentz in my living room. Damn. He looked over at me, fuck, I was caught. I shook my head and went back to my book. He walked into the kitchen.

"Hi" he said. I looked up.

"Hello" I muttered.

"I'm Pete" he said. I closed my book up and grabbed my notebook.

"I know" I said. I started walking outside.

"Hey, what's your name?" he asked.

"Atticus Finch" I said. He laughed a little.

"Funny, but whats your real name book worm?" he asked.

"Wow, pet names already shouldn't you take me out on a date first?" I turned around to face him. He crossed his arms smiling. "If you guess my name maybe I'll tell you" I blinked innocently.

"Okay" he said "How about Patrick?"

"How about no" I lied.

"Oh?" he picked up my other notebook "Hm, then who's notebook is this?"

"My boyfriends. He's a french hooker" I said. He laughed gently. "You don't believe me? I have proof"

"Really now" He said "Lets see it"

"Open the notebook" so he did. I snatched it from his hands.

"Okay, Patrick" he said "Thats a nice name"

"Yeah he is pretty nice, I trained him myself, he's my favorite name" I said.

"You're pretty sarcastic aren't you?" he asked.

"Never" I said sarcastically. He chuckled a little. "I'm gonna go outside now, is that cool or do you wanna meet any more of my nice names?"

"Not right now" He said. I nodded and went outside.

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