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[I have too much time on my hands]

I walked downstairs after showering.  Pete was alone at the kitchen table.  He looked up at me as I sat down.

"So your fiancé thought it'd be fun to dump my water on my head and throw a cup at me" I said stealing a french fry off his plate.  I slept until lunch time, yikes.  I dipped it in ketchup and bit it pulling my knees to my chin. 

"She's an immature bitch" he said.  He slid the plate halfway through the table so we could share.  I stared in thought at the table "What's wrong?" I sighed and stood up.

"I wanna show you something" I said.  I grabbed his hand.  He stood up too and followed me up to my room. 

"What is it?" He asked gently. 

"I never told you the full story" I said "With my ex" I ran my hand through my wet hair.  "He uhm, he wouldn't let me leave him.  Thats why I stayed so long.  And the last time" I stopped.  I pulled my shirt up showing off my chest. He stared at the large scar in shock.  "He tried to torture me until I either died or agreed to marry him" I whispered "One of the neighbors heard me scream and the cops arrested him.  He's in jail for attempted murder" He ran his fingers down the scar.  "He used a knife"

"No wonder you don't trust anyone" he whispered.  I pulled my shirt down slowly.  He stopped me.  He pulled the shirt up my body again until he got it off completely.  He pressed his thumb and forefinger under my chin and kissed me.  Our first kiss, wow.  I wrapped my arms around his neck.  He led me to my bed tossing me down.  He climbed between my legs kissing me again.  And well, the rest is easy to guess.
I rolled on top of him to wake him up. He groaned a little in his sleep. I giggled and kissed his cheek. "Wake up" I said in his ear laughing. He opened his eyes slowly. "Hey" I said "Good morning" I smiled.

"You look like an angel" He said. I chuckled.

"I don't remember when we fell asleep" I said "Talking to you all night was amazing, but the sex was even better"

"That was really good" he whispered. I kissed his chin. He placed his hands on my back "You woke me up for a reason though" he whispered.

"They're home" I said. His face dropped. I kissed his chest a little "I love you" I whispered shakily. He ran his thumb over my lips.

"I love you too" He said gently.

"What happens now?" I asked "Are you gonna marry her?"

"No" he said "I'm gonna tell her it's not gonna happen, and you and I are gonna figure things out from there"

"You're not out to the public yet" I whispered "Are you ready to be?"

"No" he admitted.

"I'm okay with that" I said "I'm okay with waiting for you to be ready"

"Some days I wish I never was famous" he said sitting up. He started getting dressed. He paused and smiled a little at the floor. "You know what? Every time I'm on stage I get this high. It's like nothing in the world can beat it. Playing in front of thousands and thousands of fans, doing what I love, it gives me a sense of hope and purpose. And then when I'm with you, you give me that same high, that same sense of purpose. I don't know why it took me so damn long to find you. But, if I could change something about my life, I'd find you sooner" He pressed his lips against mine "I'll see you downstairs" he whispered. He left shutting the door. I smiled so wide my face hurt and laid down on the bed. Wow.

Uncle Pete Where stories live. Discover now