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"You cant just fucking quit!" Pete yelled at Noah.

"I made my money" Noah said.  Joe, Andy, and I all stepped back.  Pete slammed his fist across Noah's face.  We all cringed when a cracking sound erupted.  Pete glared at him.  "You bitch!" Noah yelled.  He went at Pete but, I ran in and punched Noah.  He fell back to the ground.  I stared in shock at the man on the ground.  Damn. 

"Shit Patrick I think you knocked him unconscious" Andy said.  Noah grunted a little.  He sat up slowly.  "Never mind" He stood up and grabbed his shit.  He spit on me and Pete rammed him against the wall.  Noah held his hands up in defeat.  He dropped Noah and Noah ran out. 

"Now what!?" Joe groaned "We're going on a huge tour with Paramore and Twenty One Pilots, and we have no lead singer!" He kicked a table.  Petes eyes flashed to mine.  I stared at him and shook my head.  He nodded a little. 

"Patrick can sing!" Pete said.

"Pete!" I yelled.

"You can?" Andy asked.

"I uhm" I gulped.  I shook my head.  "No" I said.  "I can't"

"Your voice is amazing-"

"I said no Pete!" I snapped.  I looked at Joe and Andy "I'm sorry" I said gently.

"It's okay, we'll find someone" Joe said. 

"Patrick, please" Pete grabbed my hands "Just sing for them, please.  I promise you it'll be okay"

"I just-"

"Please" Pete cut me off "They'll love the fuck out of you" I stared at him in thought.

"I can't" I said "I'm sorry, I can't do this" I walked out of the room.

"You can't force him Pete" Andy said.

"Yeah we'll find someone" Joe said.

"He is someone, give me two days okay?  If I can't convince him by then, find someone else" Pete said.

Uncle Pete Where stories live. Discover now