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[This is my last update for a while lmao]

"Why are we having the rehearsal dinner a month before the wedding?" I asked. Pete stood next to me adjusting his shirt collar.

"Because it's easier" My mom said. They walked inside. I sighed and retied Pete's tie for him. After I fell asleep on him the other day we hadn't had much time to talk or anything. He smiled at me a little.

"About me uhm, falling asleep on you I-"

"You can fall asleep on me anytime" he said. I smiled back pulling my hands away.

"There you go" I said. He nodded and stared at the restaurant we decided to hold it at.

"We could always run" he said. I shook my head a little "I'm serious" I went to walk in but he grabbed my hand. "Wait" he said. I looked up into those eyes of his and suddenly felt us both leaning in. I pulled away.

"We should head in" I said. I smiled at him "We can do something later huh?"

"Yeah" he said gently.
The rehearsal dinner was all me standing in the corner alone while everyone talked and had fun.  I sipped on my third glass of champagne wishing I'd brought a book.  I watched Pete say something to someone and walk over to me. 

"Should've just ran away when I said it" he said.

"Is that still an option?" I asked.

"For you, anything" he took the champagne glass from my hands and put it down.  "Stay behind me.  He started walking so I kept my head down and followed.  We ended up making it out without anyone noticing.  He grabbed my hand and we ran to his car.  We jumped inside. 

"Oh my God" I laughed.  He started it and we sped away. 
We pulled up at Barnes and Nobles and I practically squealed.  He pulled a bag from the back of his car.  He tossed me some clothes from my room, and pulled out a change for him too. 

"You came prepared" I said.  He chuckled and nodded.
"No!" I laughed.

"Yup" he said "Threw my bass right through a wall" I laughed and took a sip of the soda we decided to share.

"Wow" I said "It's almost closing time"

"Its almost 11?" He asked "Damn, we've been talking for almost four hours"

"I think we should get going" I said standing up. I grabbed the book he bought me. "Thanks for the book" I said smiling.

"No problem, even though you yelled at me for buying it" He said "Oh my god! We should get best friend necklaces!" He ran over to the jewelry store.

"What?" I laughed. He grabbed the half heart necklaces that both said BFF. I rolled my eyes at him but went along with him buying them. And you know what? I actually wore that stupid thing too.

Uncle Pete Where stories live. Discover now