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I stared at the TV from Pete's couch with my chin on my knees. Pete was being interviewed by the woman herself, Ellen.

"What inspired you to come out?" she asked. Pete smiled.

"Honestly, I was going to wait. I even told Patrick I wasn't ready. And when I was walking into that interview, I remembered that a lot of people were watching. A lot of people who looked up to me. And I have a lot of fans who struggle with this. Their sexuality. I wanted to show them they're not alone. And they're not.  Because I'm right here with them" He smiled.

"Now your boyfriend, he didn't come on the show obviously, can I ask why?" She asked.

"Privacy" he said "I deal with enough of this paparazzi stuff, my one thing is that they don't bug the people I love"

"What do you think he's doing right now?" She asked.

"I would hope he's watching this" Pete laughed.  The audience and Ellen both laughed too.  I smiled a little.  "I miss him, I've been gone all week doing interviews"

"We do have some questions about him if you don't mind sharing" She said.

"Not at all" he said.

"How did you two meet?" she asked.  He smiled a little.

"Through his aunt, and I fell first" he said "Patrick's a little bad at opening up"

"Who tops?" she asked.  Pete laughed with the audience.  "I'm serious" Everyone laughed harder. 

"Uhm, I think sharing the details of our sex life on live TV might upset my boyfriend a little"

"So Patrick tops then?" she asked.  Pete looked at her. 

"Patrick tops" he said.  Everyone made noises from the crowd.  They were either laughing or Ooing.  Ellen herself was cracking up.

"I'm Ellen and when we come back I'm having Pete get his boyfriend on the phone so we can talk to him" She said.  I pulled my phone from my pocket.  It rang after a few seconds so I put it to my ear,



"Hi Ellen" I said smiling.

"Okay good it's you, we're setting you up now okay?  We should be back on in about thirty seconds"

"Okay" I said gently.  I stared at the screen.  I only agreed to this because Ellen wad my favorite icon.  Other than that I couldn't care less about my name and voice on TV.  Ellen and Petr appeared on screen. 

"Hi Patrick!" Ellen said loudly.

"Hi" I said awkwardly.

"We called you because we have some questions for you, and your boyfriend's over protective" she said.  I laughed a little "So is he always over protective?"

"Uhm, yeah, but its a good thing I guess" I said.

"When you met Pete was it love at first sight?" She asked.

"For me no, for him yes"

"So, how long did it take you to realize you loved him?" she asked.

"About, two months" I said.

"Did you accept that Pete wanted to wait to come out?"

"Yes" I said "I knew it was hard for him"

"And one final question, if Pete asked you to marry him, and no he's not doing it so don't freak out, but if he asked you to marry him right now what would you say?" She asked.

"I would tell him I love him a lot but, I'm not ready yet" I said.  She nodded smiling.

"Thats it for our questions to you Patrick" she said.

"I love you" Pete said into the phone.

"I love you too" I said gently "I think it's about time for you to come home now"

"I think so too" Pete said gently.  I smiled. 

"Bye Patrick" Ellen said.

"Bye" I said hanging up.

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