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[I'm not ready for school at all]

I ended up getting severely drunk with Brendon and his boyfriend Ryan.  Which resulted in me calling Pete. 

"Patrick?" he asked.  I giggled into the phone

"N-no" I laughed.

"Are you drunk?"

"No!" I laughed "What kind of name is drunk!?"

"Where are you?" he sighed.

"I love you" I slurred "Do you love me cause I love you" I fell over and the phone slid from my hand.  I laid my cheek down on the floor
closing my eyes.
I woke up on my bed with a bad headache.  I couldn't remember a single thing.  I sat up quickly groaning.

"Careful" Pete said.  I looked up at him "I got you" He helped me stand "I picked you up from Brendons"

"Did I do or say anything stupid?" I asked weakly.

"No" he said.  I nodded and grabbed the ibuprofen he left for me.  I took it down with water.

"I don't even remember what happened ugh" I groaned sitting down "One second I'm sober, the next I'm crying, and downing beers"

"Crying?" he asked. I frowned at him "Why were you crying?"

"No reason" I said gently.

"Hey, we wear best friend necklaces for a reason, don't lie" I shook my head "Patrick come on"

"Please stop" I said "Just, stop" He closed his mouth "I'm sorry" I whispered.

"You opened up to me before and you can't now?" he asked.

"I don't have to tell you everything" I said.

"I just wanna know you're okay" he said. "How can I do that if you can't talk to me?"

"Pete, just trust me, I'm fine" I said. He stood up sighing. "Pete come on"

"I love you too" he said. I froze a little.

"What?" I whispered.

"Last night, when you were drunk, you called me and told me you loved me. I love you too"

"I think I meant that in more of a brotherly way Pete" I said.

"Doesn't matter how you meant it what matters is that I love you too. So, open up to me and tell me what's wrong" he said. I shook a little bit.

"Just that I miss my dad" I lied "And that probably sounds really stupid because he put me through hell all my life but he's still my dad" He sat back down in the chair he'd previously sat in. He shook his head.

"That doesn't sound stupid Patrick" he said.

"I know this is probably a lot to ask, but can I just be alone? I really just wanna sleep my headache off" I said gently.

"Sure" He said getting up. He paused "It's not brotherly for me" He said "I love you Patrick, and I know you love me too" I gulped down whatever was in my throat and he walked away closing the door behind him. I stared at the wall in shock. Did he really just day that? I guess he probably just thought he loved me. It's only been a month, and we have spent almost every day together so maybe he was getting his feelings mixed up. Or maybe he was fucking with me. Tears streamed down my cheeks. He was probably just fucking with me. Now I got angry. Hot, angry tears ran down my cheeks. I got up slamming the door open. I ran downstairs quickly. Wow, what luck, it was just us in the house. I grabbed his arm getting his attention. "Woah Patrick-"

"Why!?" I yelled "Why are you doing this!?"

"Doing what?" He asked.

"Fucking with me like this! Is it funny or something!? Telling me you love me to fuck with me!?" I pushed him backwards.

"I'm not fucking with you!" He yelled grabbing my shoulders "I'm not!"

"Yeah well I don't love you" I pulled away "I don't love anyone!"

"Patrick calm down before you do something stupid" He said. I shook a little bit.

"You know what's stupid? Letting you in that was fucking stupid. I'm a real big idiot for that. And what else was stupid was telling you I loved you because I don't!" I yelled "I don't love you!"

"Are you telling that to me or yourself?" He asked gently. I glared at him, but the tears still leaked from my eyes.

"You" I growled. I grabbed my car keys off the table and bolted from the house. I tried to get into my car but he grabbed me from behind. "Get off me!" I screamed.

"You're not driving like this Patrick you'll do something stupid!" he yelled as I struggled against him.

"Get off!" I yelled sobbing. I struggled harder and harder until I gave up and just laid back against him. "Let me go" I cried. "Let me go I don't want this, I hate you!" I yelled. My moms car pulled up, and in that second of weakness Pete had I broke free. I got into my car even though he reached for ma again. I slammed the door shut and drove off still crying like a child. I had no fucking clue where I was going, or what I was even running from. Because, I knew damn well I couldn't run from myself. My phone rang so I threw it on the floor. The battery popped out, and it shut off. Perks of having an android. I slammed my hand against the steering wheel in anger. I sped down the road like a maniac. I had no clue where I was going, I just kept driving.

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